Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. There's not really any better way of putting it, so I'll just say this: Mike Boude I sent a number of windows, offered to be flexible if none worked, and reiterated my interest in the job/company (my standard response in cases like this), and then crickets! I would really like to hear some HR people here justify this practice! I did, however, hear back from a company nearly a year after my initial interview with them as theyd been unable to fill the senior position (their salary was very low AND they werent allowing staff to WFH after reopening). I would be sorely tempted to write a note along the lines of: After being fired through the temp agency rather than to my face, I want to thank you for showing me much you, a former Marine, hold yourself to the same standards of honor and truth as you hold others.. Yes, it would be appropriate for you to reach out to the recruiter or manager that you interviewed with to politely follow up and ask for feedback/next steps. This allows the ghosters to think People are being unreasonable rather than stand back and take a good look at themselves and their hiring practices. Perhaps. I receive a Linkedin message from the would-be manager saying he saw I was currently employed but was I still interested in the job because they opened up another position. People are preparing for and showing up to interview(s) which involves both time and emotional investment. In this email, you can also include a question or two that you didn't have a chance to ask. So for someone who sent a resume in Week 1 of the advertisement, even for the ones who had actually come in for interviews, 13 weeks had elapsed. If you interview for a job and then it is reposted, there is no reason to reapply. Dont contact them. But now months later, Im having major doubts about how this company is run if they are so disorganized (or hamstrung by red tape). Additional Candidate: The company may post the job again to widen its search for potential candidates. OK. I had one I applied for and it was 6 months before they called me for an interview. They had a contract for a certain number of listings and instead of this being actual forwarding, this can just be a scheduled listing. Theres always delays for one reason or another. Produce deliverables or be able to quantify results. I dont remember if I called to follow up, but I wasnt particularly assertive at the time. You could be the perfect candidate for the job and get overlooked because someone incompetent is in charge of hiring, or because they hire an internal candidate or someone's nephew, or because the job gets restructured halfway through the process, or because the system somehow lost your application (rare, but it can happen). Like you, however, I do write off companies that ghost me after interviewing with the actual hiring manager. My point? While it was better in some ways than being ghosted, the idea that this guy hung up the phone and basically sprinted to the post office box to make the final collection time (which is almost always somewhere around 3:00pm where I live) was kind of hurtful. On the seventeenth of the next month, I had a phone screen and request for an interview on the 20th. You can be a stunningly perfect candidate for the job, and then another candidate can come along who's even stronger. update: how can I turn down training requests from my clients? Mr. Im an honorable Marine so tell me to my face had lied to my face and gone to them temp agency and had them fire me because he was too cowardly to do so. Dont make promises you cant keep. I know its petty but I felt a small amount of satisfaction in never responding. Not hearing from an applicant who was previously interested? Within a week of that second interview they asked for references. So they knowingly blew up his weekend. But your good jobs usually go smoothly and feel right, dont they? When I was looking for my first job, I had a phone interview for a clothing store. Note The hiring manager will ask questions to determine how well you will fit into the organization, and how effective you'll be in the position. After informing the person at the front desk that I was there for an interview I was told they werent of any interviews that day. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. Their business would be undergoing substantial scrutiny and I surmise that a hire freeze was implemented. I was sorry not to be hired, but I appreciated not being jerked around. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. You follow up after a first, second, maybe even a third interview, and never hear back. I truly dont understand why people do this. And I bet they were absolutely shocked too. . Many say that the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results. One day after your interview, you can send your first note. This was in September. Neither am I, now. The introduction of. Hiring managers often cant, dont, or wont make a decision on a certain date, and youre not helping the process by making promises you really hope someone else will keep. Maybe the hiring manager is out sick, or unexpectedly had to go out of town. They said there had been delays in getting confirmation from management that they could go through with hiring. Felt like I nailed the 2 interviews and got along really well with my would-be manager. These include: 1. Neither got back to me after the interview and I had NO CLUE I was in the running. If you interview for a job and then it is reposted, there is no reason to reapply. Recruiters and hiring managers often conduct a number of interviews, and it's hard to recall every candidate's resume, application, phone discussion or in-person interview. Surprising. Its one thing to take a little longer than planned to get back to people, or to have to reject someone who thought theyd nearly clinched the job. They reconsider all of their candidates to make sure they don't need to interview anyone else or hire one of the interviewees. Perhaps there is no one person who can meet these expectations. Adding to this to clarify I have no real issue with non responses to job applications, I definitely understand the volume problem and dont think employers are obligated to respond to every resume thats submitted. If you interviewed an employer and in a day or two the job gets republished, doesnt it HAVE to mean you screwed it up? assigning women extra work to help them, calling out when youre in the ER, and more. Weekly, bi-weekly, once a month, whatever makes sense for the role. We will call you by the 21st to update you on the status of a job offer as apparently there was an entity that had to sign off on it. Its unpleasant, but letting candidates know this is part of the job. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. But until that happens you should keep hunting. All rights reserved. At least, don't assume it, yet. It goes to show that the ATS failed at interpreting my resume or that theyre too lazy to come up with a better rejection email. The one I took did. While not responding to an initial interview request is unprofessional, its not comparable. Id be happy with This position is now filled or This posting is now closed. That way its not saying anything about the candidate, its making a statement about the job. I suspect I wont be notified if Im rejectedor I already was. Rather than extending the closing date on the posting, an organizations human resources department might require hiring managers to repost and consider job applications from both postings. No phone call. And after a verbal offer? It actually relieves some of my is this the right path for me anxiety when I dont hear back! For candidates, this means that no matter how well your interview went, you should always avoid the trap of thinking a job is a lock, because hiring is never a sure thing. BUT they did not ghost him. I cried for two days when I received my rejection email. But if the hiring manager can wait, it may be a good idea to allow a little time between posts. Also, most recruiters have assistants. should I be so emotionally drained by managing? However, there's one question that might be the most important one of all, and it's often saved for the very end: "Do you have any questions for me?" . Sorry, I meant job searching. There may be internal changes in progress that will cause this job to be removed and then re-approved, and even if it takes months, it will eventually be completed. It took me about 20 minutes to copy, paste, edit, and send a basic email template to my active candidates once a week, even if all I had to share was onging status and not a decision. Im going through a situation where Ive been told I have an offer coming for the past three months. Overall, I appreciate how it was handled. And then you wait. During that time, you might notice that the job posting (for the job you're interviewing for) gets reposted. So while I cant speak to every employer, based on my first-hand experience, I can give you some of the top reasons an employer might republish or even keep the banner ad, and what that may mean to you. As AG often says, you have to just forget it and let it be a nice surprise if they offer. We have decided we would like to schedule an interview. Sorry. Commit to keeping every active candidate on a status update schedule. I had one recruiter ghost me after I went on multiple interviews for his client. Other reasons for reposting could be because that after conducting a round of interviews, the hiring manager may have discovered that they need candidates with a slightly different skillset or perhaps the job duties or requirements have changed. Knowing what I know now about the org and where they were, it absolutely doesnt surprise me. From their standpoint, ghosting candidates was better than making excuses. Theyre just stringing me along and Im getting to the point where Im ready to say thanks but its time to move on. No time is a ludicrous load of BS. You are not owed anything beyond the automated we got your application unless you have had further contact with a human being at the company. Doing this helps hiring managers because it greatly limits the number of duplicate applications they receive. It was an intense half-hour test, and actually the only one Ive ever taken that was a true reflection of what you would work on, not some jumble of obviously purposefully messed up copy on an unrelated subject. Some stinkers have been easy but I kinda knew it and needed the work. The previous temp in the position had quit via the temp agency and on my first day the boss at the company called me in and said, the he had been in the Marines and in the Marines you are honorable and truthful and if I was going to leave he wanted me to tell it to his face instead of going behind his back and having the temp agency do it for me. The equivalent to an employer ghosting an applicant after an interview is an applicant doing the same thing. At least he was truthful about no news being bad news. If youre not going to reply to everyone, give them the If you havent heard in two weeks (or whatever) you can assume you have been unsuccessful line. Which is much more aggravating and extremely rare from the applicants side. The best you can do is to use LinkedIn. I actually dont think that an update with no news is unhelpful to someone applying for the job. And this is not a bad thing. This has to be good news for your chances, right? I have been ghosted by countless applicants this year. to hear NOTHING back at this point. Seeing the job you just interviewed for being reposted (or is still posted) is not a catastrophe. If the new posting has a higher salary range, for instance, reapplying may not prove to be fruitful. For example, in addition to calling you, if you were in fact now without an income due to their actions, they should have offered you at least a small amount of severance. Thats insane. Hiring the best candidate would be a disservice to the candidate, the manager, and the organization. I had an appointment at that time, so I couldnt make it work, but I responded that I was available anytime on Friday or the next week. So let me preemptively say this: No one as asking you to get back to all applicants. I do think theres an obligation to respond to people you interview though, as theyve taken the time and energy to interview, and frankly as a person, now youve met them and its basic courtesy to close the loop. 2. Once youve had an actual conversation with someone, you gotta close the loop. And they wonder what the hell is going on. In February of this year I applied for a position at a fairly big name company in my industry. 1) The post auto-renewed 2) This is an ongoing hiring need so it always runs. One of these times I wish there was an edit button. I can't tell you how many times a hiring manager has told me they were impressed with a candidate based on the questions they asked, and not their | 72 comments on LinkedIn If a hiring manager does not have a candidate who can perform the critical parts of the job immediately, republishing may be necessary, especially when the managers available time is tight. Questions Hiring Managers Should Consider When Reposting Jobs. 17 Marcus Ronaldi And you wait. Then 8 months later he suddenly was sending me jobs he wanted me to interview for again. I learned later theyre just slow to hire in general. I mean, I wouldnt say Your goofiness has soured me on your company, so thanks but no thanks. But so long as youre completely sure you dont want the job, you can just send an email saying, Thanks so much for your consideration, but Ive decided to pursue other opportunities. This sounds a lot like my cousins job search in higher Ed. If you interview for a job and then it is reposted, there is no reason to reapply. To that point though, in my unemployment last year I got pretty good at figuring out how to work with the ATS. Player version: 4 . Just before I received that offer, I interviewed with the second company which sent me an offer within the week and I had about a week to respond/negotiate. Many times, a person can enter a job without being prepared for all aspects of it. He told me this after every interview, because he didnt want me to call if I didnt hear back from him. This whole thing just left such a sour taste in my mouth. Day after the interview, I got an auto email from usastaffing saying the job was canceled due to an administrative error and that the job would be reposted the next day and that the agency strongly encouraged me to reapply. Ive been burned enough that I didnt make plans until a start date and paperwork were done, but still actually thinking about it, this may have happened twice. Its incredibly rude and inconsiderate not to get back to people after interviews, particularly after someone has taken time off work, maybe bought a new suit or traveled a long distance, and invested time and energy into preparing for the interview. Checking back only got me Were still interviewing; thank you for your time and consideration. That sounds like a no to me, so I marked it as such on my spreadsheet. Use your ATS if it has messaging, or your CRM if you have one, or just create an entry in your calendar and literally track candidate names and positions in it. The article reminded me of how, back when I was young and extremely marketable, I started a job search and sent my resume to two places one that I found through a friend whod heard of it from his recruiter and didnt want it, and the other, a frenemy weirdly called me and said her team had an opening and she very much wanted to bring me in. Other than that, until you hear from them, you can also keep watching with full determination. Its always do as I say not as I do. None. Job reposted after interview Hi, I interviewed with my dream company over a week ago for front desk. Finally, learn how to deliver a decline via email or phone call, and not through the ATS. The ghosting thing is unprofessional. Keep in mind, however, the rules for reapplying do have some exceptions. Use your ATS to message applicants as you decline them, either individually or by batch. If that's the case, don't forget that you should always send a follow-up email after an interview to thank your interviewer for their time within 24 hours of the interview. Here are a few of them: A 'weak' applicant pool: Not receiving sufficient qualified and experienced candidates from the first posting is one of the most common reasons for the reposting of the position. And then I never heard from them again, even after following up by email (only once!). 4) Your position may have high turnover so they always run it. I worked as a consultant for a large university for many years and as part of the job, I assisted with their recruitment. The weirdest part was that the one who I never heard back from was by far my best first round interview, at one of the mid sized firms (top 15 in the US). But its another thing to just never get back to people at all and its irritatingly common. Two, the hiring manager can reassess the existing group against new expectations. Exactly! UGH I had an employer ghost me after what seemed to be a good interview earlier this year. Hiring for my replacement took 6 months? So, no updates, uncertain timeline isnt really no news, its information type (c). Apparently I was much faster than they thought I would be and I had finished the four month job in three months. My great jobs have come more easily. Thankfully before going on radio silence the hiring manager said that HR can take weeks to months to actually extend the offer, but that only shrinks the ball of anxiety in my gut so much! Send a quick email thanking the hiring manager for their time. I got offered a job once, and THEN never heard again. If youre their top candidate, theyre not going to forget about you over the next few weeks, or even over the next few months, just because you dont keep checking in. Within a week I had interviewed, provided references, and heard from references that they were contacted and provided glowing reviews. that is alot of wasted time and disrespect for your professional obligations and life. "It's absolutely possible to get hired at a company even if they've previously rejected you. And like you, I dont think Ive dodged a bullet, although I might be less enthusiastic to apply there in the future. One extremely poor experience with this type of situation. This, of course, leaves candidates frantically checking their missed calls and wondering if theyre still in consideration, or if no one bothered to tell them theyve been rejected. I agree here. What makes this phenomenon especially annoying is the fact that employers seem to be demanding more and more from applicants and yet, they still keep ghosting with absolutely no consideration for how much time these people have put in to the process. She was very kind and encouraged me to apply again in the future. The interview involved me giving a 30 minute presentation, which I had only two weekday evenings to prepare (it turned out well and each interviewer complimented me on it, but definitely stressful to prepare). Perhaps the hiring manager has too high expectations. Even that is better than nothing. Unless you are contacted directly by the hiring manager or receive some inside or back channel information, you should not reapply. at which point I applied for a position at my previous company that had just been created and was exactly the upward move Id hoped for while employed there. I had a job, kept investing in my 401(k), and made out well when the market rebounded. But Im not holding my breath. I ended up accepting the second offer and sent an email declining the first offer. Repostings sometimes state whether previous applicants will be considered along with new applicants. If you do get the job, I wish you all the best. Job 2 on the other hand, I applied on a Friday around noon and got a call to schedule a phone interview an hour later. I have a folder saved with template emails for status updates since my CRM lacks a bit of functionality there. I had the phone screen, then waited a week to get the call about the in-person interview, then nothing for awhile well, the company was moving buildings so some of it was understandable. We get ghosted because ghosting requires no effort and theres no consequence to the employer for doing it. They invited me to interview, I thought it went well, and my friend confirmed afterwards with her inside intel that it had. They really couldve saved the stamp. I believe I got a rejection e-mail 2 or 3 months after I applied. Wow, Im lucky that wasnt my states policy. Whenever this subject comes up, at least one recruiter will post to say she does not have time to get back to all applicants. He replied on March 20th (Sunday night) saying that they will have a roundtable next week and make a decision and that he would keep me posted. Best Guide To Capital One Interview Process READ NOW! It was for a final interview with our provincial government and by the time I got the rejection notice via snail mail, I had to think which job it was since Id interviewed at several provincial departments lol. I mean even the receptionist could do something like this. I just wrote it off as I had a job anyway. If you can, reach out to ask a contact at the company or practice continued patience. I was told the team interview was just a formality. In addition to reflecting on candidates, the hiring manager must reflect on himself. "Aside from the compliance and technology, here are a few things affecting the process," said Dirk Spencer, a corporate recruiter and author. No clear agenda, sometimes no clear list of interviewers as attendees, and oftentimes, only 5 minutes are allotted for the interviewee to ask questions. All your decisions are rethought. As someone who has been on both sides: it sucks. I passed as did a few members of my network who are also searching. on a Friday about three months in I finished going through a pile of papers and went in to ask him for the next pile. However in this particular case, Id been serving as an interim and had applied for the full time job but the full-time job had been given to a less-qualified man, who then dumped most of his job on me while he spent all day watching YouTube videos for the next half-year, and then was promptly fired within a month of my leaving because without me doing his job for him, it did not get done. The two worst IMO is having to know someone to get a job (hiring friends is very common where I work, regardless if theyre qualified much less the most qualified), and the automatic screening system which eliminates a lot of good candidates because their resumes dont match whatever key words its searching for. Yeah, I wasnt totally surprised, but I needed a job at the time. He had been told earlier in the week to expect the assignment on Friday, but not when it would be due. Yes!! Everything was discussed over the phone, and I was waiting for the formal, hard-copy letter which, you guessed it, never came. *shrug* I cant see that its that hard to send emails. Working and applying for new jobs in lowly retail and customer service I get ghosted 90%+ of the time. They are very public about treating their employees as people and gave time off for Black Lives Matter protesting and throughout the plague gave Fridays or weeks off for helping people cope. If I barely handled in 2018, imagine having to handle it during the pandemic when the economy was in shambles and everything shut down. Suckers. You never know you were second choice. They said CEO wanted to meet with me, and theyd be in touch in a week or so. On the flipside, if the position is reposted and you haven't heard anything after two weeks, it's advisable to redouble your job searching efforts elsewhere. You can drop out at any time, so long as youre polite about it. ", Public Relations Interview Questions and Answers. So, if he offers you the job and you ghost him w/no answer, is he fine with that? Agreed, although not showing up for an interviewing is much more comparable. (It was also a pretty ludicrous claim before those systems.) But if a potential employee ghosted them? I know its not very helpful. Plus, you never know whats going on behind-the-scenes. In this electronic world, there is literally no excuse to ghost applicants. Hiring managers do not want to repost positions. OldJobs hiring timeline (from me submitting an application to start date) took 4 months? I havent heard anything from the org since. I applied to the position after talking with a friend who works there and she put in a good word with the hiring manager. Took alot of willpower to just ignore them and not respond with a snotty remark about not being good enough then, but being good enough now. So, if there are people you really might want to hire, theres value to keeping in touch. Why does an employer get Job reposted after the interview? You get the interview. Otherwise, I would have had a mental breakdown. Should I check on job status after interview? A: It's happened to all of us: You're communicating with recruiters or hiring managers about a promising new job, and they suddenly stop returning your messages. During that time, you may have taken on a role that fits the hiring requirements for the new position. The budget has changed: The hiring manager may have had. If theres one experience nearly every job seeker has, its this one. No matter what the correct interpretation of the re-posted job may be, don't stop looking! I remember one time I applied to a marketing agency. Alison is absolutely correct send your resume and move on; if you hear from them later, consider it a pleasant surprise. At least have the courtesy of sending a rejection email! I had a similar situation. And you ace the interview. You can assume your resume has been kept on file, and if you meet the qualifications, you may be considered. (He told me that too) I went through multiple rounds of interviews: phone interview with hiring manager, in person interview with hiring manager, in person interview with hiring managers manager, and finally, the last interview with the team I would be working with. Job reposted on LinkedIn after interview. (Since this is a common point of confusion: hiring manager means the person who will be managing you once youre hired, not the person whos in charge of all the organizations hiring. And just knowing that may help some of you wait. Being ghosted by a potential employer is more of a PITA then having a few applicants pester you. I just dont want a bad match. It took them another 5 weeks to get around to scheduling interviews for just 4 candidates (I dont know if HR ever notified the other 20 applicants that they were not getting interviews). The primary reason a government job is reposted is the hiring manager does not believe the applicant pool that responded to the original posting is sufficient to yield a good enough new hire. Answered Id help out if I had subject knowledge, but since Im supposed to be verifying requirements are met that seems a little conflict of interest-y to be a BA and a QA. That is one of your jobs annoyances. I dont get it. Job 1 took awhile to get back to me, even though I had a networking in there (in HR even). Crickets. When my availability windows all came and went with no response, I sent a polite follow-up to check if they were still interested in having me meet with the team and an offer to provide new availability. Exactly. I dont mind either, and think it indicates at best a thoughtful organization, and at worst one that at least is striving to not have loose ends. For candidates, this means that no matter how well your interview went, you should always avoid the trap of thinking a job is a lock, because hiring is never a sure thing. Now that I am older with more experience, I can go quite a long time before the doors open and I get hired into a good position. If the hiring manager believes that the pool of candidates will not be significantly different now, perhaps the pool will be different later. The 20th responding to an initial interview request is unprofessional, its this one job may considered! Well with my dream company over a week ago for front desk significantly now! 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