All this time I thought "Jesus Revolution" Film & the Sacrament of Baptism. But far from remaining a silent partner, Benedict has continued to share his views, becoming a touchstone for conservative forces in the church pushing back against Francis reform-minded papacy. AYUSO GUIXOT Card. For orthodox Catholics who worry that Pope Francis may have stacked the deck by packing the college with liberals, Pentin sounds a note of hope: "Even the fact that a pope appoints the large majority of cardinals does not guarantee that they will elect someone like him; sometimes to the contrary.". or school. option selection above at the current full price on the date of each renewal, until you cancel. John Gravino at New Walden, Nazi-Style Chinese Communist Party Book Burning Targets Religious Books Massimo Introvigne at Bitter Winter. Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier is the Archbishop of Durban, who has said the Church is in a "profound crisis" and needs a new pope to implement "spiritual renewal". Mr Collins says Cardinal Schoenborn is a strong candidate who is "urbane, strong on sex abuse [issues]" and has a moderate inclination. Cardinal Christophe Schonborn, 54 Archbishop of Vienna, Austrian. Three Americans: Cardinals Timothy Dolan, Sean O'Malley and Donald Weurl, Select any of the newsletters below, then enter your email address and click "subscribe", Stories of climate, crisis, faith and action, Mission and ministry of Catholic women religious around the world, Help us deliver independent, lay-led Catholic journalism, Illinois bishop's provocative essay suggests Cardinal McElroy is a heretic, At 10 years, Pope Francis makes Americans 'uncomfortable' in their political views, Cardinal Wilton Gregory says, Prayer service honors enslaved African Americans buried in Maryland parish cemetery. There is no clear frontrunner among the cardinals, a distinct change from 2005 when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was the favourite before being elected pope. Current ill-health may mitigate against him, however. The synod gave us hope, said Bellavite. Explore the live extension of our journalism, The wonk's survival guide to the EU Green Deal, Pope Francis apologizes for slapping womans hand, Senior Advertising and Strategic Partnerships Manager. Wielding political leverage in this strongly Catholic country, Cardinal Tagle is a defender of the poor while opposing abortion, atheism and anti-life health care measures. print and digital media outlets, dedicated to reporting the truth in light of the Gospel and the He will try to find a response to the situation.. 'An unthinkable tragedy': How did this train crash happen? The appointment of Cardinal Luis Tagle as prefect of the Congregation for Evangelization has prompted informed Vatican journalists to observe that Pope Francis may be hoping to put the Filipino prelate in place to become his successor. Home Blog Who Will Be the Next Pope? Like the cardinal, the St. Egidio Community is not well known in the US, but exercises enormous influence in Italy, in Europe generally, and in fact in Africawhere it has helped to mediate international peace accords. If you have a gift code you would like to redeem, click here. He tries to stay within the lines, the opposition not the enemy.. Readers who wish to employ a litmus test for orthodoxy will be tempted to hone in on the section where Pentin reveals where each candidate stands on contraception and Humanae Vitae. Having already passed the states House of Delegates, the bill has only to be signed by Republican Gov. Published last week, From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church co-authored with Cardinal Robert Sarah, the head of the Vaticans liturgy office has thrown the church into turmoil. Alabama offensive coordinator & quarterbacks coach (20212022) New York Jets. The mainstream conservative churchman who once said becoming pope "would be a nightmare" is an insider with strong connections to the Curia. I watched the film Jesus Revolution last night. I have chosen twelve cardinals from around the world to watch in 2015. scar Andrs, S.D.B. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. Cardinal Tagle will be watching over about 4,000 dioceses and roughly one-third of the worlds Catholic bishops. We are convinced that if the pope accepts these proposals, there will be other situations where he will accept the same.. Nathaniel Hackett. Dolan represents Conservative values and was the Archbishop in St. Louis (2000-2001) and Milwaukee (2002-2009) and is 72 and the 10th Archbishop of NY and was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. "This book isn't really about predictions but rather equipping readers with a full knowledge of who could be pope and allowing the reader to make up his own mind who best qualifies," Pentin remarked. Latest news, analysis and comment on elections in Europe and beyond. Conservatives claim such a decision would be dangerously divisive. Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, could be a prominent contender in light of his current role chairing the Council of Cardinals. The term Pope come from the Italian word Papa, since the Pope is the holy father of the Church on earth. There are already married priests, especially those who converted from Anglicanism. He has a very distinguished record as a Vatican diplomat, but he is handicapped by never having served as a diocesan bishop. Canadian Marc Ouellet (4/1 to Become Next Pope, is the head of the Congregation of Bishops and lives in the Vatican City and his press office published the Popes daily agenda, so you know Pope Francis and Ouellet are close in many ways. His expressed views against migration are at odds with those of Francis, a tireless defender of migrants. He too would have both the benefits and the drawbacks of a close association with Pope Francis and the possibility that he (not quite 65 years old) could have a long pontificate. Latest news, analysis and comment on French politics and beyond. 3. Over the last few weeks, John L. Allen Jr. has been profiling cardinals who are frequently touted as papabile, or men who could be pope. He, too, could figure in the ranks of compromise choice, but as one whose work has made him friends throughout the universal church. Angelo De Donatis is 68 and at 13/2 fractional odds to become the next Pope and this Italian prelate currently serves as the Vicar General of His Holiness, so like Ouelett, he is close to Pope Francis and knows the current inner workings as the Cardinal Vicar. Two or three years and then Ill be off to the Fathers House,. But he will be 78 years old soon, and both he and the archdiocese he leads have been implicated in both financial and sex-abuse scandals. Have a news tip? Let us not become accustomed to live as though the war is something far off. And the financial scandals currently swirling around the Secretariat of State might hurt his chances. Cardinal Sean OMalley would be a natural successor to Pope Francis. Although the nuns didnt mention anything in their communiqu about their residency status in Nicaragua, the General Directorate for Migration and Foreigners has issued summons to various religious and foreign missionaries in the last two weeks. Cardinal Jan Schotte, 71 Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Belgian. Learn more. "Of course, the next successor of Peter may be none of them. Graph: Distribution of Cardinal electors and non-electors, JIMNEZ CARVAJAL Card. His relative youth may tell against him. But rumors of Pope Franciss ill health on Monday has fueled rampant speculation that we may have a new Pope sooner than later, so now is the ideal time to handicap and think about a Futures bet in this rare betting market that involves Robes and White Smoke. We will update this list as John writes more features, and don't forget to follow him on Twitter: @JohnLAllenJr. The longest-serving Deputy Chief Minister of India was Sushil Kumar Modi who served as Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar from Bharatiya Janata Party. Subscriber Service CenterAlready a subscriber? I imagine you might think that your reflections might not be opportune, but I am convinced that the whole church needs this gift Cardinal Sarah in a letter to Benedict XVI. While John-Peter Pham takes his shot at a short list, the bulk of the book is resource material whose usefulness has not died with John Paul or the current papabile. Designated by Vatican insiders as the leading Italian candidate, Cardinal Tettamanzi appears to be viewed sympathetically by influential lay organisations such as Opus Dei and Communione e Liberazione as well as by Pope John Paul II. Send your thoughts to Letters to the Editor. The 63-year-old Brazilian is archbishop of Sao Paolo, home to 5 million faithful in a country that has the world's biggest Catholic population. "There are 27 Italian cardinals out of 115 electors but there are bitter divisions among them and the politics within the Vatican itself are toxic, as the 'Vatileaks' scandal has vividly shown. AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, Get breaking news alerts directly to your phone with our app, Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article, ADF aircraft, personnel to assist evacuation of hundreds from flooded NT remote communities, Gary has more than $3 million in super and supports plans to make him pay more tax, Former minister takes 'absolute responsibility' for Robodebt, admits defending scheme despite knowing it could be unlawful, 'Sickening, callous and brazen': Sydney man dies in hail of bullets in front of 12yo son, 'I just sit here and chill now': Tasha used to hide in her tent when pedestrians passed by. The first of its kind, Edward Pentin's meticulously researched handbook to the next conclave provides a panoramic and penetrating study into the theological, doctrinal, liturgical, moral and social beliefs of 19 front-runners for the papacy. Renew or manage your subscription here. He is also an expert on bioethics, an issue on which Roman Catholic Church teachings are currently lagging behind scientific advances. A capable administrator, he lacks the charisma of leadership.". bio - SubscribeStart your Register subscription today. He disagrees with the pope, but within the system, not trying to fracture or break the church. A full quarter of those voting would be Italians. Strong reservations remain about his capacities as an inspirational evangelist. Berhaneyesus Demerew, C.M. "The bishop of Rome is the successor to St. Peter, not to Christ; he is the Vicar of Christ on earth, not a substitute for Him," Pentin stresses, recalling the lament of St. Robert Bellarmine in 1605, before a conclave: "We are about to enter into a conclave again, and we have need of much prayer, for I do not see a single person in the Sacred College [of Cardinals] that possesses the qualities [necessary]. It's usually not just the faithful who have little or no knowledge of a prospective pope. "His 'youth' will tell against him but with the precedent of Benedict's resignation established, he could well retire at age 75.". Give a Gift SubscriptionBless friends, family or clergy with a gift of the Register. You are not signed in as a Premium user; you are viewing the free version of this program. Indeed, Sarah is a thorn in the side of the current pope, according to some insiders. Guido Marini. The bishop of Tyler, TX talks to Terry Barber. ", Apart from "equipping cardinals and the faithful at large with a detailed knowledge of some of the cardinals we believe are most likely to be elected pope" Pentin, a faithful Catholic, said he hoped his book would "also help the faithful to pray for the various candidates.". With an advanced degree in Hebrew and Biblical studies he is a scholar with a social conscience and a deep love for the church. Cardinal Pierre Yet, 65 Archbishop of Bordeaux, French. Zs Blog, Answering Fr. To lighten our editing burden, only current donors are allowed to Sound Off. Memo Alerts Cardinals to Toxic Pontificate, Leftist Vaticanista: 30% of Church Against Pope, Francis Claims Hes More Conservative than Liberal, Covenant House Promotes Transgenderism, Dispenses Contraception, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus Back Scottish Evangelical. WebWhat are the Current Liabilities? SOURAPHIEL Card. Cardinal Angelo Sodano, 72 Secretary of State, Italian. Walter Kasper for racially disparaging African bishops who were resisting his pro-homosexual proposals. They are both at retirement age (Ouellet is 75; Schnborn will reach that age in January), but some cardinal-electors might actually favor an older candidate, with the prospect of a comparatively short pontificate. PATABENDIGE DON Card. 'Jesus Revolution': Talking to Jonathan Roumie, Episcopal Woman Priest Says Abortionists are "Saints". When we ultimately see the pontificate of Pope Francis pass, only a select few Cardinals have a chance to become the next Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church, and oddsmakers have posted numbers for candidates who may become the next Pope. The Next Pope: The Leading Cardinal Candidates, published by Sophia Institute Press, names Tridentine Mass traditionalists like American cardinal Raymond Burke alongside Austrian cardinal Christoph Schonborn, who promotes "blasphemy" through heavy metal Masses and homosexual activism. In his own rundown of the papabile Vatican-watcher Sandro Magister of LEspresso introduces a name that will be unfamiliar to most American readers: Cardinal Matteo Zuppi of Bologna, who is a leader of the St. Egidio Community. Betting Odds, Analysis, and Pick. He is 74 years old. Raymond Leo Burke (9/1 to Become Next Pope) is 73 and is an American Prelate who is a Canon lawyer and thought of as a Traditionalist in the Roman Catholic Church, but it seems a vote may favor Ouellet, De Donatis, or Turkson would make more sense here. Getting the Order of Treatment Right in the Field Hospital of the Catholic Church, Heres How Half of US Abortions Could Be Stopped This Week, Catholic Bookstore Sues Jacksonville Over Law it Says is a Trans Pronoun Mandate, Parents, Beware: 3 Books Offer Insights Into What Families Need to Know About Ideology Affecting Education and Beyond. WebHere is a list of current fighters in the Rizin Fighting Federation. On another level the choice will give Cardinal Tagle experience in dealing with the Roman Curia: experience that might be considered a necessity for a papal candidate. sees the Tagle appointment as a logical one, Free eBook: Liturgical Year 2022-2023, Vol. The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church: Historical Notes and Code of Canon Law [English, French, Italian, Spanish], Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals, Cardinals - Biographical notes [English, Italian], Order of BishopsOrder of PriestsOrder of Deacons, Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals and for the vote on some Causes of Canonization (27 August 2022), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (28 November 2020), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (5 October 2019), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (28 June 2018), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (28 June 2017), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (19 November 2016), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (14-15 February 2015), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (22-23 February 2014), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (24-25 November 2012), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals and for voting on some Causes of Canonization (18-19 February 2012), Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals (20-21 February 2010), The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church: Historical Notes and Code of Canon Law. That prominence, however, seems to owe more to the possibility of his being the first black Pope in history than to widespread support within the College of Cardinals. A middle-of-the-road choice who might find widespread support. He has fought against declining traditional values and is concerned about the growing strength of evangelical churches across the developing world. If Pope Francis is off to the Fathers House or takes the path of resignation, who might be in line to step into the shoes of the fisherman? Perhaps, surprisingly, neither do the cardinals who are voting for him. Papabile Candidates for Next Conclave: Your Best Guess. The announcement of the new Pope happens in a Papal Conclave at Vatican City where the Roman Catholic Churchs most senior officials, the College of Cardinals, convene and in 2013 there were 203 Cardinals from 60 nations who helped choose Pope Francis. Latest news, analysis and comment on migration in Europe and beyond. He Mr Collins says Cardinal Turkson has shown poor judgement on a number of occasions. Idol Speculation Do Catholics Worship Idols? He has vowed a zero-tolerance policy against sexual abuse by priests and settled dozens of claims. Gianfranco Ravasi currently serves as president of the Vatican's Council for Culture, and Paul Collins suggests he may prove a good compromise candidate. Most of the twelve were considered papabile or possible popes in the 2013 conclave. During the press conference on his flight back from Korea he spoke about Pope Benedicts retirement and said, I would do the same. A Better Way Forward, Heres a Bishop Doing Something Good, and More Great Links! "As someone close to the poor and with an ecclesial and political outlook similar to Francis, he is seen as a natural successor to the current pope, someone expected to continue many, if not all, of Francis' reforms but in a quieter, subtler and more diplomatic manner," Pentin writes. Ever since the Vaticanologist, the late Peter Hebblethwaite, pointed to him as potentially "papabile" in an article in this paper six years ago, Cardinal Arinze's name has figured in speculation about the next Pope. One, free eBook: Liturgical Year 2022-2023, Vol record as a logical one, free eBook: Year... Longest-Serving Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar from Bharatiya Janata Party of current fighters the! Subscriptionbless friends, family or clergy with a social conscience and a deep love for the.... In Hebrew and Biblical studies he is handicapped by never having served as Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar Bharatiya! A tireless defender of migrants conference on his flight back from Korea he spoke about pope retirement. Three years and then Ill be off to the Curia are already married priests, especially those who converted Anglicanism. 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