I wanted to say that my last post was too dismissive. Answer: No, the megalodon shark was not a dinosaur. Its impossible to know for sure, and because shark skeletons are made of cartilage, not bone, we have no megalodon bones to reference for bite marks. If meg were still alive today, we might expect to see wounds made by these tremendous teeth on the bodies of whales that escaped megalodon encounters with lives, just as we see scars made by great whites on the bodies of living seals. An early 20th century scientist serves as a scale inside a reconstruction of the jaws of a megalodon shark. As stated many times, we havent explored much of our oceans, and their could definitely be some kind of massive animal out there. The "sightings" produce no evidence, not a shred. Some speculate that megalodon populations may have survived in the Mariana Trench and other deep parts of the ocean. There is more than enough mystery to them to satisfy a curious, hungry mind. This is a one of the best articles I've read debating the existence of the Megalodon. A recent TikTok video went viral after a gigantic shark was captured on video, with some speculating it could be a Megalodon. This ancient shark lived roughly 23 to 3.6 million years ago in nearly every corner of the ocean. Marine Biologists claim Great White's cannot reach lengths of over 25 feet, not possible. The killer rays would have been the result of a star exploding (a supernova) 150 light years away from our planet, it's been reported. There were also terrifying marine reptiles such as Liopleurodon, and Shastasaurus, which grew to the size of a megalodon shark. I see most movies at home so it may be awhile. Scientists think that the megalodon young lived in shark nurseries like great whites do. Also, we don't actually have any idea of the reproducing pattern of the meg. after all there is 75% of the ocean we haven't even physically been on. Often, locals know about the animals, but because a biologist hasn't confirmed it the species remains officially extinct. There is a chance. "Our analyses support the presence of five potential nurseries ranging from the Langhian (middle Miocene) to the Zanclean (Pliocene), with higher densities of individuals with estimated body lengths within the typical range of neonates and young juveniles," the researchers wrote in the study's abstract. If u believe in something so much it will come to life. cryptid (author) from USA on November 21, 2017: What was your comment? If it were really around, it would not be hard to spot. Like killer whales, the things that knocked megalodon off its perch. Formally known as Otodus megalodon, the gigantic fish rank among the largest carnivores in the history of life on Earth. Of course the real problem is we have zero proof of this, but it is interesting food for thought. The Megalodon was a gigantic . By synchronizing frames of video and doing some calculations, marine biologists determined the size of the animalan astonishing 62 feet. By Katherine J. Wu. Is it still out there somewhere, stalking the oceans of the world? After a reported 10 minutes of exploration they found what they were looking for and it proved more than they bargained for to boot! These are areas, usually close to shore, where young sharks can grow and feed in relative safety. Otodus was a massive, 30-foot shark and, while not as big as megalodon, it was a formidable ocean predator. Some of them, like the megalodon shark, were once thought extinct or believed to only be myths. As far as food and climate change I'm pretty sure the shark is capable of swimming towards it's comfortable climate as well as a plentiful food source. No living or dead specimen has ever been recovered. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. On May 27, 2021, a gargantuan 17ft shark circling a cruise ship full of terrified tourists in the Atlantic was compared to a "megalodon". Personally, I doubt if this ever gets answered by anyone but this is my belief on the idea of megalodon existing or ever coming back to show itself to anyone, nature has an incredibly strange way of fixing itself. There's no way to know. I do belive the megladons still exist just why would that not agree that have plenty of evidence about it and that said it might come out at night at least closer to the surface and that can search that also said it could have adapted to cold climate cheap colder areas then cheap all the warmer areas and if worse comes to worse cheap marinas trench I think that do indeed exist. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found . It's still the best week of the year!! Maybe if we start putting out monitory rewards for people providing clear images/ or any other proof. Also, I did read your article, and while it is evident that the Marina Trench is a possibility, I feel it may not be the only possibility. Megalodon IS alive i saw one it was 100ft. The scans revealed 46 growth bands in the fossil which scientists believe indicate the animals age in years, much as tree rings reveal annual growth in trees. The 4.3-inch-long tooth was found on the Naze which is a headland on the coast of Essex. It's based on the novel by Steve Altman. Thanks for this article on Megalodon. Your article was extremely informative. The work follows research by scientists at Bristol and Swansea universities in September, who sought to reconstruct the dimensions of megalodons in greater detail. The megalodon could have evolved into the six-gills or Greenland sharks. The Megalodon shark was the largest shark that ever lived reaching lengths of 60 feet. In September, a separate group of researchersdeterminedthe true size of an adult megalodons body, including its huge fins, based on fossils. In March 2019, a studysuggestedthe giant shark spent millions of years evolving its teeth before they took their iconic form. Much like the modern great white, the megalodon was probably an ambush predator that took its prey by surprise, either from below or by approaching at great speeds. only 5% of earths oceans waters has only be discovered which leaves 95% unexplored so it might be likely they the Megalodon and other sea animals that are claimed extinct ocean animals may still be alive. The Past June 14, 2021 Ancient megalodon shark was even bigger than estimated, finds study . Encased in rock-hard enamel, teeth are more easily preserved . A six-year-old boy has found a shark tooth belonging to a giant prehistoric megalodon that could be up to 20 million years old. #4 Not Quite Biting TodayWait, Yes They Are https://blindside.me/Imagine sitting on a boat, enjoying a beer and fishing when you see a much bigger fish than you bargained on. Market data provided by Factset. I spotted one in Lake Huron last summer. But that doesn't really stop us from speculating again :D This might just turn out to a case similar to the coelacanth, where even though there is proof, none of it has been documented, since there was no incentive for locals to report the incident. Their name, which translates to 'giant tooth' is no joke. Bigfoot vs Megalodon: Directed by BC Fourteen. In fact, recent research on great white sharks shows they may dive fairly deep in search of food. They found that a 16-metre megalodon was likely to have a head about 4.6 metres long and a dorsal fin 1.6 metres tall. Based on the sizes of the smallest known megalodon teeth, I had a hunch that the size at birth may be around two to 2.5 metres, Shimada said. Question: Did the megalodon shark have any predators or enemies? :), there is a 50/50 % the Moglodon is still alive but i believe the moglodon is still alive, just saying, great whites do eat dead whales so that explains the half of a whale. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. New research in January 2021 suggested that the ancient creatures were around 6.5 foot (2 metres) when they first left the womb. A 50 foot shark has been found 1 mile down the marina trench. The extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs occurred 65 million years ago, putting a 40-million-year gap between megalodon and the last known dinosaurs. So, was that an actual megalodon spotted off New England's coast in 2021? . A recent video of a giant shark scaring some tourists has made the . A massive shark seen on video lurking around a tall ship off the coast of Massachusetts has social media in an uproar. It needs to be big and cool. Not sure when I will, but I'll either be posting a review or updating this article. Sure, it's fun, but it has no scientific value whatsoever. Given that it was a massive shar. If such a creature still existed, it seems reasonable that we would know about it. Quoted by the New York Post in an e-mail to McClatchy, Jessica writes: its mind-boggling that we now have a fossil on our mantel that is 3-5 million years old.. But perhaps not if they lived in the deepest place on Earth: the Mariana Trench.TIMESTAMPS:What the name Megalodon means 1:49Megalodons size 3:26The deepest spot on Earth 4:13Could Megalodon live in the Mariana Trench 5:00How many people reached Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench 6:39#megalodon #marianatrench #megMusic: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music SUMMARY:- The Megalodon shark roamed the oceans as early as 23 million years ago, and we have their fossils to prove their existence. It is debatable if these could be due to an orca/ great white or a meg. Megalodon was estimated to have grown up to 60 feet long: that's around three times larger than your average great white shark! Megalodon teeth can be quite large and exceed 7 inches, but rarely exceed 6" to 6-1/2". Killer whales, apex predators in today's oceans, are known to eat the meaty tongues and blubbery throats of other whales. More importantly, has anything like this ever happened before? So, was that an actual megalodon spotted off New England's coast in 2021? They found no general patterns that would allow them to tease out body shape differences. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. we've actually only discovered 25% percent of the ocean, my theory is that all the deep sea trenches like the Mariana Trench, are all connected to a cave system that larger and rarer species we believed to be extinct, are hiding in. It even makes a cameo appearance of sorts in Spielberg's . Fossil marine mammal bones have been found with megalodon teeth, and with large bite marks attributed to megalodon (Purdy, 1996; Wroe and others, 2008; Ehret, 2010; Collareta and others, 2017). Here are 5 Megalodons caught on camera \u0026 spotted in real life part two.#5 Cape Town Megalodon Attackhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A8LB4KXGkgOn a charter fishing boat, off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, four friends decide to take a fishing trip. Megalodons were 50 feet . To think that a baby megalodon was nearly twice as long as the largest adult sharks we examine is mind-boggling.. Background Music: BG Music Template: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/For copyright matters please contact us: top5sfinest@gmail.com_________________________________________________________________Thank you so much for watching! That makes the megalodon not only powerful but capable of a certain amount of precision as well. The record is 6.5 inches long. Today, the biggest fish in the sea are whale sharks. . Other theories suggest the megalodon waskilled offby an exploding star approximately 2.6 million years ago. His short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books, linkedin.com/in/steve-palace-91399144/?originalSubdomain=uk, Join 1000s of subscribers and receive the best Vintage News in your mailbox for FREE, Incredible McDonalds Opens Restaurant Which Includes an Ancient Roman Road, Rare 2,000-year-old Cupid Figurine Among Roman artefacts, Worlds Oldest Industrial-Scale Brewery Found in Egypt, Police arrest a 72-year-old suburban grandfather suspected of being the Golden State Killer, Im not dead yet: some Buddhist monks followed self-mummification, Project Azorian: Howard Hughes secret mission, 1960s U.S. satellite that started transmitting again in 2013, The Walk of Shame in Game of Thrones historical inspiration, The only unsolved skyjacking case in U.S. history might have a break, Kurt Gdel became too paranoid to eat and died of starvation, Little Ease: One of the most feared torture devices in the Tower of London, The humble English girl who became Cora Pearl, Walt Disney softened the original Snow White story. At roughly 50 feet in lengthand a weight approaching 120,000 pounds, megalodons would have been a prime candidate to be affected by the cosmic blast. But, if 95% of the ocean is unexplored, then how do you know? Scientific evidence points to megalodon having lived between 16 million and 2.6 million years ago, going extinct at the end of the pliocene epoch when the world's . By Mitchell Willetts. I am fairly certain it was NOT a whale..that was the only time in my more than 50 years fishing the ocean that I have seen anything like it ! (Few individuals within a certain species evolving to learn new techniques isn't a new phenomenon, best documented example is that of some Killer Whales propelling themselves on to shores to hunt for seals) It is quite possible that a some individuals moved into the depths, and have established a large population now. Megalodon could easily have adapted to deep sea life and survived in fewer numbers. have a wonderful morning, evening or after noon! To put this in perspective, a very large great white shark may reach an adult length of 20 feet. Later, news reports claimed that the bodies of the four people could not be found. There is also evidence that the situation may have been complicated by the evolution of other large, predatory marine creatures that may have infringed on the megalodons niche. A classic photo is glimpsed in a book during one scene it shows a group of men framed by an epic prehistoric mouth. Thanks so much I am doing a school project on this this was so helpful thanks so much, Yes , I think megalodon shark is alive but one of my friends said it is extinct, megalodon is still a live we need to search it.its a big discover, there is no way this shark can still live. Georgia man Matthew Basak unearthed a 6.45 inch megalodon tooth at a South Carolina construction site. It was dead billons of years ago we the astros struck the earth. Yup is definitely the Megalodon! It was the big boss of the ancient seas, and it hunted a wide array of prey items. ould Megalodon sharks still be alive in the deepest parts of the ocean? These are connected to Megalodon through ancestry. While there is some debate, megalodon is classified either within the genus Carcharodon or Carcharocles. The question is, what are the chances it could still be out there today? Found in North Carolina, these 46 fossils are the most complete set of megalodon teeth ever . Under Carcharodon is would be considered a relative of the modern great white shark. To put the depth into perspective, if you were to put Mount Everest into the Mariana Trench, the top would still be sticking out. Probably like 15% or 25 percent is discovered? ", 3D rendering of an extinct Megalodon shark in the seas of the Cenozoic Era. I have a theory about the submarine shark. May 28, 2021 2:38pm. I do not profess to know what it was,but it seemingly was not interested in us and left the area . "These results reveal, for the first time, that nursery areas were commonly used by O. megalodon over large temporal and spatial scales, reducing early mortality and playing a key role in maintaining viable adult populations. Megalodons can live to be up to 100 years old and swam in the world's oceans millions of year ago. Interestingly, some researchers say it may have bitten off the fins of its prey before finishing it off. It has been observed that great whites can survive for more than 2 months on whale carcasses. For a little added contrast, the maximum length of your average school bus measures . In all, five potential nurseries may have been found, including in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific basins,with fossils ranging from 16 million to 3 million years ago. In recent memory, megalodon teeth have been found inNorth Carolina,South CarolinaandMexico. Many young children dream of finding the fossilized remains of a . Michael Nastasio . Alternatively, we have no idea about how often megs reproduced or how many young ones they gave birth to. Still, the idea of this monster shark out there patrolling the ocean deep is fascinating to imagine. These extinct . "Ultimately, the presumed reliance of O. megalodon on the presence of suitable nursery grounds might have also been determinant in the demise of this iconic top predatory shark," the study's authors explained in the abstract. Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), meaning "big tooth", is an extinct species of mackerel shark that lived approximately 23 to 3.6 million years ago (Mya), from the Early Miocene to the Pliocene epochs. Again for perspective, realize that the largest great whites are around 5,000 pounds, or about 2.5 tons. The research, published in Biology Letters, notes that nurseries of the megalodon have been found in northeastern Spain, with fossils of adult and younger megalodons discovered. megatooth shark, Otodus megalodon, and the evolution of lamniform thermophysiology. Following the Owens example, Nastasio logged onto Facebook so everyone could see what hed uncovered. Again, we should see evidence of these powerful jaws in nature today. We can't know for sure, but science can make a few guesses. The other, at the Museum Boola Bardip, is a beautifully crafted model of meg's head . Real scientists are involved in the real labor of discovering, classifying and understanding real animals, insects and microscopic organisms all across the world, adding to our appreciation of the world as it is. This was built under the . It was formerly thought to be a member of the family Lamnidae and a close relative of the great white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias ). In the video, Albrecht could be heard in the background saying Holy fk as others cry out, Oh my God and Whoa.. They also did not and could not live in the trench. #2 Megalodon Attacks A Whalehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3715886429\u0026feature=iv\u0026src_vid=i77ZXdhe148\u0026v=n-H8pgyqdIgThe whale is the biggest creature to roam in the depths of the ocean. By Sharkdiver.com [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. A megalodon is an extinct species that is believed to be the largest shark and fish to have ever lived. The coastline used to be submerged, allowing access for many a marine predator. Estemennosuchus, a prehistoric animal of Russia. A theory that seems rather appealing to me, is that the megalodon still exists in greater depths. Don't waste ur time in crazy fantacies. Dont give up on your dreams :). We know so little about the ocean and it's creatures that there is a great chance. If we continue to kill off the animals that we have on this planet right now, nature will develop new ones and personally I do not want to see 65 to 70 foot creatures walking the Earth or swimming through the ocean again. While it is the second tooth belonging to a Megalodon shark that has been found at the Naze this year (and three were found in 2019), it has still been described as being an "incredibly rare" discovery. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. While walking, he says that he found the tooth of a Megalodon, which is an extinct species of shark that lived millions of years ago . Great article. And the fact that it leaves the fossil record completely cannot be explained if this massive fish were still predating in the oceans. It is quite possible that population that migrated to the bottom of the ocean hasn't grown for millions of years, and that is probably why we still can't find any evidence for their existence. Another added, Im just saying no one can say that the megalodon dont [sic] exists when we have only explored 5% of the ocean., 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. 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So we humans were being stupid and releasing chemicals into the stratosphere and damaging it and in doing so that made our climate warmer and that gives the megalodon a chance to repopulate and that might of happened that is why people report seeing a so-called submarine shark. There are anecdotes about giant sharks, yes. I think it is important to distinguish the difference. With Marco Guzmn, Jennifer Fourteen, Edson Camacho, Carlos Welos. Add to that the unreliability of eyewitness testimony, outright hoaxes, and pure and simple lies. Roughly up to 3 times the length of a modern-day great white shark, it is the largest shark to have ever lived. Otherwise known as Otodus megalodon, the huge prehistoric shark had a starring role in 2018 movie The Meg. Still, it's not the largest tooth found in the state. Megalodons can live to be up to 100 years old and swam in the world's oceans millions of year ago. There has been numerous sightings of Megalodon captured on footage that I have been trying to figure out if the shark in the video is Megalodon. These jaws made the megalodon shark the most powerful predator in the ancient oceans. While the meg is larger, I feel it may also be more efficient at hunting down it's pray, so may need to spend lesser energy. Over 90% of the ocean has yet been discovered so therefore I. Is that a megalodon, one person jokingly questioned in the comments along with many others. Meg is believed to have been a coastal hunter, like the great white, so it would have needed to completely change its hunting strategy to evolve to live at such depths. So therefore, I think the megalodon still exists deep down about 12,000 meters But, We still have only discovered 5% of the ocean, so It doesn't have to be all the way down, Just a theory. I don't want to see fictional anything when it comes to sharks or Megalodon. Also, it could have simply followed its prey, or adapted to the deep, hunting colossal squid and the sperm whale to this very day. Can scientists explain how half of a blue whale washed up on the shore of Hawaii when that would be a megalodon 's main prey? Megalodon were the largest shark ever to have lived, reaching up to 60 feet. This article mentions it but its now mostly accepted they were NOT related to great whites. Brayden Drew, 5, shows off a megalodon shark tooth that he found in Myrtle Beach, S.C., on May 20, 2021. The possibility of a living megalodon is a stance taken by cryptozoologists, and it is not supported by mainstream science. One young man from Chile who placed a camera in the Pacific Ocean captured the image of an unusually large fish and immediately reported it to authorities. Us, Humans, have only covered 5% of the oceans. I believe that the Monster Megalodon is still stalking the oceans out there. Mace Brown Museum in Charleston confirmed the tooth as being from the Pliocene era. Zeroing in on size and distribution among 21st century lamniforme sharks, Prof Shimada and co concluded the Meg reached a length of 50 ft. No short order it would have been a reported 23 ft longer than its nearest predatory competitor! Discovery Channel will be interviewing me next month. cryptid (author) from USA on August 26, 2016: Hi Prateek. in connection with the death of an 18-month-old boy in 2021 . The megalodon wasn't alone in this global cooling extinction, however. Market data provided by Factset. Visible from the river, it practically gave them a wave by all accounts. Regardless of its heritage, this shark had a set of chompers never seen in the animal kingdom before or since. The Smithsonian's megalodon model is a full-body reconstruction measuring 15 meters. That's one thing that we do not need. Scientists continue to learn more about the history of sharks, which have survived all five global extinction events. What was the megalodon shark really like? Cooler ocean temperatures during the Pliocene era led its preferred food, whales, to adapt, while the megalodon was unable. To 3.6 million years ago, putting a 40-million-year gap between megalodon and fact. Georgia man Matthew Basak unearthed a 6.45 inch megalodon tooth at a South Carolina construction site the sightings... No evidence, not a dinosaur of eyewitness testimony, outright hoaxes, and pure and lies. Everyone could see what hed uncovered how often megs reproduced or how many children! Fin 1.6 metres tall an extinct megalodon shark in the Mariana trench and other deep parts of ocean! Much it will come to life the Mariana trench and other deep parts of the oceans 75... ; is no joke in nearly every corner of the ocean is unexplored, how. 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