We have an open floor space plan and have a mirror hanging by our dining table. Also, youre awesome! When I enter my door i face south, past a closet on my right there is a little alcove and my bathroom. Some people say they cause headaches. MIRRORS: When I first became conscious of my true self, I began to receive requests for remote home energy cleansings. Under later analysis the image in the mirror showed a woman in an old style dress coming down an ornate staircase, two open doors with a tall man in a black suit stood in this doorway with his back to the scene and a small child with a toy or doll looking up at him. Its not the front door so Im assuming its okay? Please advise. (To Feng Shui Masters that are reading this, correct me if Im wrong by commenting below.). Is it advisable to place the hse TV right infront of the entrance door? Now both mirrors reflecting towards east and we have a staircase plus main door from East direction. Hi Latchforda, Yes, that is fine. See #3 above. Is that fine ? I would like to put mirrors on the south wall which will face the north side which has windows that overlooks the garden and main road. shall I move my mirror elsewhere? Narrow staircases are said to diminish fortune and abundance. As for the following night, make the bed if you want to . Don't Sleep Facing North. All rights reserved. Positive effect. Right? That is why some experts say that televisions are not suitable for the bedroom. Or best to put on South East angled wall facing the living room door, relecfting the sofa? In the traditional and classical viewpoint, placement of a mirror facing the front door will reflect the energy back out the door. The Bagua Mirrors are powerful, and almost all experts agree that it shouldnt be placed inside your home (except for extremely unique circumstances). i have a small place. It is situated where the street aims right for the front door. The mirror facing my bedroom door is grounded by a small, handcrafted console my Mother made for me and on it are a pair of candles and symbols of unity, as it is located in the relationship sector of my bedroom. If a mirror is facing the toilet, it is said that this negative energy can be strengthened and . Mirrors can make your room beautiful. Most of the Bagua mirrors out there are of the Early Heaven Sequence. It acts as a gateway that allows them to come and go. The stairs faces the wall. Maybe thats why we see movies where mirrors reflect spirits? We have mirror and its facing the back door. I was in alot of danger with him in my life and had a very very hard time getting him out of my life and home. I have written a whole article about this and you canread it here. last night (11/10/22) around 3am I woke up, and while laying in my bed, my dresser and mirror are directly across from my bed. If that room is mostly used in the evening hours, what is reflected while the room is in use? If you dont like it, just place something in the middle/ in between and youll be fine. This is why you should be careful about placing mirrors in your bedroom. See which arrangement you like better and keep it at that! The distance fr. I have no where else for it really, and wondered if we hardly use the front door and often only use the garage side door to go in and out of the house, can I continue to place the mirror there facing our often closed front door ? Is that cool ! -Victor. Thanks, Hi Emma, The mirror placement is good. I was already advised to place a bagua mirror on top of my front door, hoever, there is no space to place it there. The mirror was not facing directly to stove, indeed faced directly to dinning table. They have net curtains, so without their light being on, I would never know about their mirror. Much like the Chinese, Japanese believe that northeast side is a member of a ghost door (). It is getting to be more than I can take. The dining room represents this vault. Whats more important is how you handle it. Hello Victor, Thank you for the information. Now most of the apartments have elevators. Is this a bad thing? Hi JBR, Yes, that is totally fine. On the west wall, there are two windows, and on the south wall, right near the east wall, there is a door. . In other schools like BTB, and in my practice, mirrors are used to expand the space . As for other places, it is best not to place mirrors unless advised by your trusted Feng Shui consultant. -Victor. Or is the big dinner a few times a year enough? It is not a portal for spirits or demons. Hello Sir! Should I place a bagua mirror outside and directly above my front door as a cure? Exposing yourself to too much light at the night will trigger a sense of restlessness, which will lead to nightmares while sleeping. Therefore, it is advisable to keep your room free of mirrors. The desk is right near the west wall and its mainly a place for my paints and other accessories, and then right next to it (on the middle of the south wall) is my Easel and its the main area I work. Hi Victor! Blogger and owner of Feng Shui Nexus. Thanks a lot! So strange. Traditionally, Early and Later Heaven Bagua Sequence Matters, 18. I appreciate your guidance. It was 13 yrs of hell on earth for me. On the other end it reflects me in a seated position. But why? Hi Therese, Yes, the placement would be great because it can reflect some nature from your yard! Is it bad if I have my mirror facing my bedroom door but it is outside in the dining room? Hi Laural, I think Ive answered this question in your email. Hi Victor, I just love your article. The answer is yes. -Victor. Although it is not reflecting the desk, it is reflecting my workspace, but it is also reflecting beautiful artworks that I create. I find this a helpful method to turn around and look at the painting through the mirror, to judge the accuracy of my proportions, as looking at the painting through the mirror offers a fresh perspective. If you want, you can also move it to the staircase if you want. They believed life was renewed every seven years, which explains the length of the curse. This handout asks students to read a quote by Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop and then reflect on texts that have shown them something about themselves, others, and/or the world. I wouldnt worry too much about this if I were you. Hi Verum, Stairs facing your front door is not necessarily a bad thing. although it faces my bed I cannot see myself in it when I sleep. The mirror is not facing the stove, but still in the kitchen and facing the front door (which I always keep open for air breeze). Of course you can place the painting or something opposite of it. So, is it ok to have the image of closed door in the mirror all the time? -Victor. They were very helpful. Meaning, if theres a light-post right outside your front door, a Bagua mirror can be used. Now, in the spirit world, spirits are like smoke, and they get attracted to smoke, air, or transparent substances. If you have a small entrance, it can make the space feel larger and more welcoming for guests. In some cases, the spirit of your deceased loved one might be impersonated by another spirit, which will haunt you. Thank you very much for you advice. -Victor. This might have mental effects in the long run. I had a problem with neighbors looking in and sending ill will in one of my windows so I placed a mirror in the window to deter them. I am thinking to place a mirror up in the dining room area to bring in light from the adjacent window which reflects a tree. When it comes to a mirror facing the bedroom door in Feng Shui, the item itself is associated with fire. Thank you so much, Hi Claudia, It depends on the situation, it is not mirror is bad at end of hallway by default. -Victor. These objects include metallic objects, fish tanks and aquariums, and glass surface of televisions. The window is on the side of my house where the drive way is . This is two opposite walls of hallway. Will this make a difference? Now, if this is an angel, then there is nothing to fear.However, if it is an evil spirit, then, you will be haunted by the ghost. Subscribe FREE for more Feng Shui Tips https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUnXlurpGR7elK-aS4ynbkg?sub_confirmation=1Check out the detailed guide bel. -Victor, Hi Victor: I just read your article thanks for all the help I do have a question is it okay to put a mirror in a black room with no Windows, Hi Martha, Yes, that is totally fine. Shall I put a round mirror (small) facing my house (and we see the mirror when we come out of the front door). You might want to fix the FAQ section of your page duplicated and when you click on the link, it takes you to the Default text. These are mostly energies that has Form. If you are superstitious and want a mirror in your room, you may want to place . Above the door might not be an ideal place to hand your clock, but it will ensure that the clock is not facing the door. The east wall faces long livingrooms ending with large front window with a view of japanese maple tree. Im curious to know if this would bring the negative energy inside. Sometimes, it can go to other peoples house, so this method is not the most ethical way of using Bagua mirrors. https://imgur.com/a/53auXQj I am feeling like I need protection. Nothing to worry much there. Putting a mirror in front of your bedroom door, facing outwards, is not necessarily a bad thing. Hi Amie, Yes, this shouldnt be problem without considering other factors. The option that were looking at is to move the mirror at the opposite wall however space is not enough to put it since theres a light switch on the other side. It is believed that your energy level will be reduced, and this will expose you to negativity. Is this ok ? Thanks! Hi Cris, Both placement are fine. That was removed instantly after reading your article an hour ago. Therefore, if such a spirit is in your bedroom; placing a mirror there will simply activate the spirit. And, no worries if it faces the drains. hi there victor, we have a large mirror which is about 10 ft away facing our front door and a window. Or am I really overthinking this? -Victor. Tinkerbell brought my grandmother in through my bedroom window. The sellers? It is said that mirrors will invite spirits into the lives of people whenever it is placed in the wrong place. 2. Is any of these two options better than the other? So, what about the mirrors? The dining room is near the window, while on the other end, I am thinking of placing a mirror to lighten up the place. In the BTB school of feng shui, a practitioner may actually recommend a mirror facing the front . the mirror (facing outwards). I dont know much about mirrors and the spiritual world. 1. In the BTB school of feng shui, a practitioner may actually recommend a mirror facing the front door to invite an advantageous energy into the space. When I was reading Feng Shui advice some time ago, I found that most of the advice had some practical wisdom in it and made sense. Anyway have you ever heard of something like silver flakes or glitter rainning down in a room? To make it clear, placing a mirror in the dining room does NOT improve your ability to attract wealth. Hi Cecillia, It is still advised to put the Bagua mirror on the top of the front door. Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. This is another token of good luck, and there is a $1 million mansion in Mumbai . Is this ok? Mirrors and spirits have a powerful connection, and this is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual. Mirrors Facing Bathrooms Doors. -Victor. Thank you. I think convex would better scatter the (rushing) qi in more directions.. Silver frame? -Victor, This is wonderful news, I was a little worried. I want to place a large arch window mirror in my hallway halfway up the stairs. It is therefore important to place much priority on mirror placement, as this belief has worked for many. Do mirrors, according to Feng Shui, hold on to what or whom they have reflected in the past? Thank you for your great article and all your responses to the comments. -Victor. -Victor. When setting up beds, Japanese people are attentive to the direction that their heads will point. Scares Away Evil Spirits. All content found on Angelical Balance is for informational purposes only.Made with lots of love, hard work, and energy! I placed a floor standing mirror against the north wall inline with the beam (beam goes into mirror) so mirror basically placed under beam. Toilet is said to produce negative Qi because of its purpose. I have a situation I wanted your guidance on. Also, the friend advised me to place one on top of garage door, is this necessary, i wouldnt want to over do it. She seems very dark. Hi Jen, That is totally fine. I have two large mirrors on my southwest wall facing northeast and east view of the green backyard. However, most Bagua mirror manufacturers dont pay attention to this. I currently have one in the garden that is reflecting the garden and water feature back into my home, is this okay? It represents ones capacity to hold wealth. -Victor. This will prevent your soul from getting affected by the negative energy of the mirror. -Victor. With a mirror facing those rooms, those negative Qi have a chance to grow and disperse to other places within the house. That said, there are sayings that you should place a mirror so you can see the door when you sit on your desk. They have done things to my property that are unfathomable during their home construction (grading my property without permission, damaging my sprinklers and landscaping, encroaching on my property by building a wall in my property line, blocking access to my garage for 3 months, the list goes on.) You talk about positioning of the mirrors in the right places and facing the right directions. -Victor. Although the dining room is most suitable for mirrors, where to place them needs a little attention as the mirror can bring anything from the outside into the house. Heres a tip suggested by Uncle Dixer: https://fengshuinexus.com/answers/mirrored-closet-doors-reflecting-bed/ If you are to place a mirror, dont have it face the front door (its fine if its far away). Thank you for your patience. My question is twofold: 1. Hi Roselle, I cant really comment without taking a look. It should also help with your lighting at the basement because of the mirrors reflective properties. Hi can I place the mirror on the back of the door in the bedroom facing window? That, however, I have doubts on. When you Dream About Someone are They Thinking of You? How can I counter this? Others have said that the Qi would enter the house but would somehow be stuck there (and not circulate into the house for the benefit of the resident). If mirrors are placed opposite the locker of your house, this can double wealth. Whether the concrete right angle affects you depends on several factors as well (distance, where it goes to your house/front/back etc.). Hi Valerie, Those reflections are minor so theres nothing you need to worry about. In general, a mirror can face the door of your house. I have purchased the convex bagua but is thinking of getting the simple plat one too. Hi Jazz, It depends on how far and how big the mirror is. -Victor. In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. ? is reflecting something you want less of. Most experts agree that these mirrors have the ability to absorb bad Qi from the outside. In my opinion, theres really no need to place another one on top of your garage door. 2.) Thank you and keep up these good work, I live in the Philippines. This will bring you to a point of restlessness, and it might disturb your sleep. My haunted ex-boyfriend dropped in wearing a black hooded cape and just tapped his fingers on my dresser. I thought of placing a mirror on north side facing windows with reflection of beautiful nature. It faces our outdoor seating area. -Victor. This requires no equipment on your part to complete. You can download a sample Bazi report here if youre interested to know more about it: https://fengshuinexus.com/bazi-reading-consultation-service/ Hope this helps! At funerals corpses are positioned so their head is facing north. Some say that mirror placement in living room makes parties and gatheringsmore festive because it feels as if the amount of people have doubled. For example: if an inactive spirit is in your environment, it is believed that a mirror will activate the spirit through the energy that comes from its reflection. Now, apart from all of these myths, mirrors serve as portals for spirits. 1. Can the negative effects of this be neutralised by hanging a curtain in front of these? Fr. However, some others think that placing mirrors in staircases has theeffect of cutting Qiand is not recommended. Is it good or bad? If your neighbor is giving off bad energy, itll be better if you try to make peace with them. -Victor, Hi Victor, I have a few questions please: 1.) Thank you for your quick response Victor. -Victor. -Victor, Ni hao, Victor, this is going to be rather long list of questions. Hello Victor. Living alone my kitchen and living room serve as dining room according to my mood. Sleeping in front of an uncovered mirror will invite spirits into your room, and your dreams. is gifted and you do not want in your home, but youre keeping it out of a sense of obligation. Is a Mirror Facing the Front Door Bad Feng Shui? Colors can be used to balance the five elements of that area: https://fengshuinexus.com/feng-shui-home/colors-influence-homes-feng-shui/ It is true that there are ideal door positions based on a persons Kua number. Im not sure what kind of altar you have. Thanks! What about a mirror in front of shower room? thanks ???? Heres one I found on Aliexpress.com: Aside from different Bagua, theres also concave, convex, and flat mirrors. If you move into a new home, don't bring along the broom you used in your old digs! Hi Celestine, Only basic answers I can answer for free. Hi Ady, You are perhaps overthinking this. At the moment, I am not in a position to move house. You are special dont ever doubt yourself. Questions regarding mirrors are frequent and often cause much confusion when it comes to the world of feng shui. Since its above our tv, its quite high and so faces our dining area wall. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Yes, the Bagua mirrors out there are sayings that you should be about... Outside mirrors facing doors spirits directly above my front door and a window mirrors serve as portals for.. This is what makes mirrors highly sensitive and spiritual is totally fine mansion in Mumbai while the room mostly... 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