The Earths magnetic field, called the magnetosphere, protects against the erosion of our atmosphere by solar wind, cosmic rays from deep space and other harmful energy. ", This post was flagged as part of Facebooks efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. This is inevitable in any case when the Pole Shift arrives in a few short years, with ownership of farms in the hands of those who have been working them and ownership of cars and homes likewise in the possession of those who currently possess them, with various Mad-Max scenarios playing out among survivor groups. St. Petersburg, FL That these significant train derailments happened together, in a blitz, means that the stretch has increased., Martial Law directs private industry, but this Strategic Plan is taking away private ownership. Is there some plan in the works for getting involved in BRICS before the world goes into barter out of necessity due to the planet's activities? 259.7K views | Epic Music(842228) - Pavel. The accidents follow a major derailment involving trains carrying hazardous chemicals in the town of East Palestine, Ohio on February 3. SOZTBorrowing money and paying the loan back with interest has been a part of mankinds social practices as long as the Barter system. Do changes in the magnetic field affect life on Earth? The push to convince people that "Global Warming" will be our demise is, at this point, BOLOGNI! That's right, you cannot live without this Schumann Resonance and the Earth's frequency, at least not for long and not in a healthy way. The crustal displacement that moves the entire crust as one solid piece over the core and mantle, moving every continent simultaneously to new latitudes - and altitudes. At a rate of 5 miles per month, that puts the magnetic pole position at the 40 degree mark by March of 2023! Terror Alarm claims to be a "Non-State-Affiliated Agenda-Free News Media with a focus on combating terrorism through AI. As foreclosures increase, banks will find they do not have the resources to monitor these properties, and they will be repossessed by their former owners or by strangers. This has lately been replaced by the Quantum Financial System, which claims that with sufficient oversight bank fraud and crypto theft would not occur. At the time, the magnetic field significantly weakened and the poles reversed. Stay informed; stock up on supplies; adhere to your true self and stop bashing others. Video shows President Joe Biden recalling an alien encounter. Monika Korte, interim leader of the geomagnetism section at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, said it is "quite disputed among scientists." There was more than one quake of record on January 29 and 30 with an epicenter where the Sinai subplate will break from the mainland. The Earth's magnetic north pole - the point at which all compasses point to - is rapidly shifting position, according to scientists . Their intent was to assist the Biden mob with their election theft. This process can continue until the Central Bank can no longer risk running the currency at its base into insolvency. Why are the Brits pushing a false story about a potential tsunami? Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. Zetas RIGHT Again!EOZT. With at least 326 people also dying in government-controlled parts of Syria, this puts death toll of the regions most powerful tremor in nearly a century at more than 1,200. The Sinai is considered a platelet the Sinai Subplate. Nibiru awareness) and geologic and climate disasters (i.e. . China has ambitions to invade and control lands in North America, which are not over populated and are capable of vast fields of grain. Additionally, changes in the Schumann Resonance could greatly effect humans as a whole! Check the priorning chats archivesor the priorGLP chat archives. [and from another][and from another] Reports of many Supersonic Booms all across Israel"The US and Israel on Thursday conducted the largest partnered air, land, and sea military exercise in history,including the participation of nearly 8,000 troops, according to the US Central Command (CENTCOM). Where is the line drawn? Is Nibiru real? Some will unlock powers they never knew they had such as telepathy, healing and psychic abilities. If anything the planet is cooling a degree, due to the Grand Solar Minimum we're sailing through. A massive derailing in East Texas along the Gulf, where the Mainland Portion is being pulled down on the western side of the New Madrid Fault Line. TRACI ISAACS says: Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 17:17 UTC. One thing I CAN agree with NASA on is that this can change our weather patterns. Prior ZT: Russian submarine Belgorod was noted to be absent from its berth in the Arctic on October 3, which raised speculation that Russia intended to use it as a threat against either the US or European NATO members who are refusing to capitulate to Russia on the Ukraine issue. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Say Whaaaaat??! The Pole-Shift is cyclic: every 3,600 plus years it occurs to some degree, where even to a smaller degree of pole geography displacement, it stops cultural development in it's tracks, all Earth cultures have to restart, rebuild after each one. He said there is also no known physical mechanism that can connect the Earths weather conditions on its surface with electromagnetic currents in space. "We have no way of knowing when this shift will occur or how quickly but its been an earth phenomenon for eons. High levels of these and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat at the Earths surface, warming the planet. Now it has emerged. [and from another]Two more Trains Derail in USFebruary 14, 2023 back-to-back accidents come days after another freighter carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in Ohio. They fight tooth and nail to getintopolitics, where they are in the power structures, on the stage, and must be pried away from this life, in the main. Who would buy that banks would forgive all debts? Booms heard in Israel in late January were from snapping rock the subplate is tearing away from Syria. . "Solar wind particles entering all the way into the atmosphere might have a small influence in the overall weather and climate system, but their role is definitely much weaker than that of the current man-made climate change from greenhouse gas emissions," Korte said. The Magnetic Pole started moving back in the 1800s, but always seemed to move and then bounce back and repeat. Is the Earths magnetic field affecting our climate and causing disasters? Top Tweets on February 4th 2023. If so, what was the telepathic message that the ETs were transmitting to the local Phoenix residents? Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon - Passage might be in 2026. The magnetic field does weaken during a pole reversal, but Buis noted that plant and animal fossils from the period of the last major pole reversal "dont show any big changes.". [and from another] Does the balloon from China have anything to do with PX? "A high-altitude surveillance balloon was detected and its movements are being actively tracked." This is insanity in an already-insane world, but surely this is not something welcomed by either the so-called white hats or the Zetas. ", "In our view," they wrote, "Cooper et al. [and from another] Emergency Officials Responding to Two More Train Derailments One in South Carolina, Another in TexasFebruary 13, 2023 least one person is dead after a crash caused a train derailment at US 59 in Montgomery, Texas. No, the Rock Hook already fractured allowing the Africa Plate to drop on its NE side. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus, as usual, Russia is to be blamed. and local law enforcement to recover the object and determine its nature. This latest video presents a prediction for when the migrating poles in the northern hemisphere, hit 40 degrees from to original pole. [and from another] U.S. Jet Shoots Down Flying Object Over CanadaFebruary 11, 2023 ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace, Mr. Trudeau said in astatement posted on Twitter. Also visit: There has already been trauma in theoil and gas fields of Iraqwhich are exploding when the pointed top of the Saudi Plate cuts through them during the waggling of the Saudi Plate. ThisSearch Tips Primerwill make you an expert after only a quick read. Until then, we wait and hope that someone will come up with some more answers. The Eastern Edge of the Caribbean Plate is covered in quakes for this reason, as it is tearing open. It is true!,, The sun is not supposed to be affected by a magnetic flip. NASA is basically reporting there is "nothing to see here. This is also in the JOLT blog. But the Nibiru cover-up lives on. Twitter: @NancyLieder1. District of Columbia The scientists analyzed the rings of ancient New Zealand kauri trees to track changes in radiocarbon levels during the pole reversal. Will there be a pole shift on February 4, 2023? Are earthquakes associated with variations in the geomagnetic field? Guyana is low land along its coast, but rapidly rises into high ground. The last one, called the Laschamps event, occurred around 41,500 years ago. Somehow we have to show the truth to humans on this planet. Some lands will rise, some will submerge, and most will be depopulated. He said an American F-22 with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which is operated jointly by the United States and Canada, downed the object over the Yukon Territory. When the Sinai is pressed eastward at its southern tip, the entire Sinai Subplate will swing counterclockwise into the Mediterranean void. A silent stretch zone is one where Earth plates are not being clashed against each other or scraped along each other on plate borders or fault lines. Magnetic North Pole Could Flip in March 2023 - Pole Shift - Magnetic Reversal by StayFree RiseUp January 26, 2022 If you are not aware there are two North Poles. Giving further indication that we are over due a pole shift. Twitter: @NancyLieder1. EOZT. There is broad scientific consensus that the climate is changing and that human activity is responsible primarily because of the burning of fossil fuels. POLE SHIFT GSM CC Watch on #poleshiftnewscom #poleshift #maverickstar The sick footage shows a Russian state anchor revelling as the missile plummets into to the North Atlantic Ocean, sparking a giant tidal wave that engulfs both Ireland and the UK. The sequence of events was that the African Plate rolled, as can be seen by the number of quakes along its border in the Mediterranean. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. If one man owes another a debt, is this not absolved, while debts to the banks are? Experts say no. SOZTWe have detailed what will happen as the African Plate rolls, dropping the NE corner of Africa so it scrapes down the Red Sea, waggling the Saudi Plate as it does so. There has already been trauma in the oil and gas fields of Iraq which are exploding when the pointed top of the Saudi Plate cuts through them during the waggling of the Saudi Plate. Michigan State University suspect is 22-year-old Raymone Jordan., The 87,000 new IRS agents who were supposed to only target the rich are now coming after waitresses tips., More classified documents (were) found at the University of Delaware, the equivalent of a tractor trailer worth.. stated on February 18, 2023 a Facebook post: stated on February 20, 2023 an Instagram post: stated on February 18, 2023 an Instagram post: stated on February 12, 2023 Instagram posts: stated on February 13, 2023 social media posts: stated on February 10, 2023 an Instagram post: stated on January 30, 2023 a Facebook post: stated on January 23, 2023 social media posts on January 23, 2023: stated on February 25, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 22, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on February 27, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 15, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in a video on Facebook: stated on February 25, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on February 18, 2023 in a Facebook post: All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. What will happen during the leap to the East that the SE Portion is predicted to take when the Bridge releases? View Discussions. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacingthe income taxwith anational sales tax, abolishingcompound interestonsecured loans, and returning to abimetallic currency, would result in 0%inflationand a morestable economy. According to experts, pastPole Reversals happened every 12,000 years. And how to adjust the inequities?, Tidal bore that will astonish anyone seeking refuge from high winds in the ravines. Of course both schemes assume that mankind will stop being nefarious and greedy, which does not happen on 3D worlds. Other experts told PolitiFact that the 2021 study from Australia is controversial. Nancy will then post all accepted email questions from the general public to this discussion. The UFO display seen overhead and recorded on video is depicting the wild ride that Montreal residents will take during the New Madrid adjustment soon to occur. Guyana can thus anticipate tsunami during the SE Portion leap to the East of 100 foot at sea level, but exponentially greater up the ravines due to tidal bore. The Sinai subplate will become an island with the greater part of Israel attached to this subplate. 2023/02/25 T00:00 - 2023//02/26 T00:00. This debt instead should simply be dissolved, as should many public debts where interest has already repaid the principle. Magnetic North Pole Migration Current Data & 40 Degrees, 2023, Binary System, Pole Shift, Safe Zones - Laura Wells . Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. The Federal Reserve contract allows the bankers to print US dollars at will, then loan them back to the USA while charging interest. 1.3K views 10 months ago POLE SHIFT is approaching in around Aril of 2023. Vinyl chloride, a gas contained in five of the cars, was released and burned to prevent explosion, causing toxic fumes to be released in the area. Posted by Nancy Lieder on February 25, 2023 at 2:21pm in ZetaTalk. If you are not aware there are two North Poles. A severe train derailment in Ohio that happened on February 3rd is still a danger to residents near the crash site. Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. Is this recent video of a UFO Over Phoenix, Arizona authentic? But to say there's no Climate Crisis, therefore . The Red Dust would form into magnetic fields, which will now be absent from view. The Magnetic North Pole moves and bounces around, however it has been making its way to this magnetic anomaly located in Russia. This has not happened for 36,000 years! 15 days/night before uprising of imam. Home Edgar 2023-01-01T18:12:48-05:00. Africa will take the SE Portion with it when it rolls to the East and drops its Eastern side, tearing away any remaining connections along the Seaway and the Fault Line that runs under the Seaway. There is wide consensus among climate scientists that the Earth is warming and that humans directly contributed to this change by burning fossil fuels. Greetings from Guyana; as regards the prediction below from the Zetas, is it possible to get an update on the probable height of the tsunami that will assault the South American coast line after the South American Roll completes? Prior ZT: is high country, mountainous, and used to the torrential rainstorms that countries near the equator and near the ocean can receive on a regular basis. accessed Feb. 13, 2023, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, "Scientists discover how a reversal of Earth's magnetic field could affect our climate," Jan. 4, 2023, PolitiFact, "Marco Rubio says humans are not causing climate change," May 13, 2014, Yale Climate Connections, Scientists agree: Climate change is real and caused by people, Feb. 17, 2022, NASA, Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate Is Warming, accessed Feb. 15, 2023. The Iran Straits of Hormuz are likewise seeing an increase in earthquakes due to this waggling of the Saudi Plate, so their oil export routes are being threatened. In my experience and research, I have found coverup after coverup when it comes to NASA or any space program. Prior 1/7/2003: [National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act] is a concept only, being floated out to determine interest in such a concept by the establishment who is aware that the common man will increasingly experience personal loss, and become increasingly desperate. This July 2011 file photo shows an iceberg floating in the sea near Greenland. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. Since, the earth and the human body are connected, it would make sense that the body will be effected by this pole reversal since the Schumann Resonance is measured based on the atmospheric electromagnetic resonance. have used the archaeological and paleontological data selectively in order to create a narrative that could support the Laschamps as the main driver of a global environmental crisis.". Thank you! [and from another] has said that it was cooperating with the United States to track a high-altitude surveillance balloon.,,,,,, A 2021 study suggested a pole reversal 41,500 years ago had an effect on the climate. Reply. But the ground can shift and thus the plethora of train derailments and breaking water and gas mains. NESARA was one such scheme never became law within the US, but which lingers on like a fantasy forever out of reach. This was the source of the booms heard and reported, but a cover-up story was issued as the coverup over Nibiru is deemed more important than rumors of war. This must be BS. Prior ZT: have stated that Sinai will become an island with 50 additional miles separating the Sinai from land, that the Red Sea will widen, that lands with dual loyalties along the Saudi Plate border will besubject to scraping, that a void will appear in the Mediterranean above Egypt, and that the slide of the Africa Plate through the Middle East will scrape down along theDead Sea plate border. The magnetic pole shift is supposed to be magnetic not geologic. Now he won't defend our skies. EOZT. Seems odd otherwise. It was described as "cylindrical and silver-ish gray" and seemed to be floating. The Africa Plate to drop on its NE side a whole leap to Grand! He said there is also no known physical mechanism that can connect the Earths weather conditions on surface. Expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to the. 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