8/16/2014My ex has been giving me and my wife problems ever since we got married 4 years ago till this day we are still going through the same thing Im on child support I pay her 1,200 a month I have my visitation rights and on my court order states anyone can get my kids for me she hates my wife for no reason so when my wife try to pick up my kids for my weekend wouldnt let my wife get them b/c I wasnt there but I couldnt make it I had to work the cops werent no help so my wife had to leave without my kids what can I do? Mine is still doing so. View a full listing of offices nationwide. How many $3 gallons of milk do you buy weekly? out and away from custody. Please let me know. I seem to be the only one who cares for her. Shes now openly violating the parenting agreement and not letting me see my son. Do you realize just how much you are doing to your childs quality of life and wellbeing of their mother, just by doing nothing? I THINK I JUST FELT A BRICK OFF MY HEART. Maybe if you do that enough you can spend the rest on yourself. The courts dont care about children & neither do the money hungry lawyers who trick you into thinking they care. When is the last time you changed multiple sets of bedsheets at 4am with a screaming, crying child needing you to make them feel better? I try to get confirmation on things and cant. Whatever you wanna call it, it will help in your case for later. Home / Articles / Violating Child Custody Orders: Should You Call The Police? 2 The mother has left the house regardless of your information to pick up the kids (must have this proof in writing) "At the time of the exchange, an on-duty officer was working in his patrol vehicle in the station parking lot; the officer was facing away from where the custody exchange was occurring," the email continued. According to police, detectives arranged for a suspect to meet up with who he thought was a 14-year-old child for the purpose of a sexual encounter on Monday, Feb. 27. The court wants to do a investigation. On her 9th birthday, I allowed my daughter father to spend time with her. Currently my mother sends me money in order to help me make ends meet since my exs child support payments are inconsistent at best. We are learning that the law only works for people who follow it, and the police dont care. She is a danger to children. Even after the report is filed, many dads are still left wondering how to get the child back from the non-custodial parent. Would you willingly let that child be put or left into a place or environment that would cause them harm or cause them pain or sadness? Even if you can make "unilateral" decisions, you must be fair to your You could raise your kids better than her anyway, right, all alone without help? May 27, 2014 1:08 pm Comments are closed. My divorce ruined me. How many meals do you plan, purchase for about $150 a week, prepare, serve to, and clean up after other people on a daily basis? Fist and foremost do whats best for your kids. So, I have two questions: 1. Hi my name is coralys Im 28 years old and have a one and a half year old daughter. Parental alienation is what is causing this. If something were to ever happen to that child who you let go of with that thought in the a k of your mind would you be able to live with yourself?? Social services have never helped me ever. My dilemma is that I have been offered a career in my hometown that is 384 miles from our current home but still within the state of Texas. This section provides information on moving detainees between: the scene of an incident/arrest and a police custody suite. Heavy frinkers and pot smokers. Why cant your children grow up with a mother who lives a comfortable life? The divorce system is a farce that nobody wants to deal with. Cover all your bases. She s saying something bout coming to get him the 30th. Custody X Change is a powerful tool that helps parents create and track professional-quality parenting plans. 0:05. I just want my son to be safe and I truly believe he isnt in the best of hands with his mother. Its been a problem everytime I go over to pick up or drop the kids off. The law doesnt work. L.J. hes filed another molestation accusation on me to try and get full custody easier (my daughter has never been molested, especially in my care) hes been harassing me for two years. He recently showed up with police on my weekend with police saying I violated the parenting agreement which I didnt. As she has moved him school (without telling my boyfriend) and his first day back is the day we get back home. Until my sons behaviour condition got worse, as he got older he realised he wanted to live with me, which is natural I am his parent . which that is want my ex husband did to me. Now Christmas comes about she wants to have my daughter for the holiday cool no problem now she not trying to give her back . Someday I know my kids will be gone and why arent the police held to uphold the court orders? Can I call the police and have them escort me to her house so I can get my kids? When is the last time you trimmed tiny little fingernails? By FindLaw Staff | Go back to court and report hes been absent and ask that the order be adjusted accordingly. It does not pay to work with the father, Ive given more than most women and it did nothing other than to have his father steal my son from me and his fathers mother to tear me down in front of my son. Ignoring his tantrum is the very best thing you can do. Basically, in all societies, there is a trade-off between individual freedoms and the public's interest in giving the police the means to enforce the law. You can do investigating at places that wouldve catered to those things. Whoever has the proper paperwork on them usually will prevail. Are you sure youre really aware of the entire situation? My two boys were removed from me in 2011. Ok i need help asap . I seen a letter that was in my sons handwriting stating things that were not just dishonest but were flat out wrong or never happened. If I could accept this position I would no longer need to accept her generous gift every month. Thats the problem now and who knows how far back it goes probably since before we can imagine. 0 found this answer helpful | 0 lawyers agree When is the last time you bought and baked a birthday cake and wrapped all the presents and paid for all the party supplies? A man in Bellingham, Washington, was charged with numerous assault charges when, after an argument with his child's mother, hetried to pull her from the carand sprayed her friend (a passenger in the car) with pepper spray. He wont tell me where he lives or give me an address. if your soon to be ex is being an idiot, document all the particulars of the incident and report it to your lawyer and and any other court appointed officers such as a Guardian Ad Litem. Read more . once we got in court I had the option of having her arrested for violating the order of joint custody. Then flew them to new York and nobody would tell me who had my children. Custody & child visitation cases are emotional, and a lawyer can seek the best outcome, A lawyer can help protect your children's interests, Lawyers can seek to secure visitation rights. If she refuses to give you the kids she can simply call the police show them the original order and the new enforcement order. I can definitely say I fulfill your shoes and add to all of that, dealing with a mother who besides taking child support, lies to the state and still collects welfare! At which point Ill get a restraining order against her if she contacts me. What if the grandparents allow the person to see their child even thou they sent allowed and falsely say they do not live at resedence and they really do. I understand where your coming from I raised my exs oldest son from born until 4 and then the dad wanted to work his way back in, and it worked she dropped me and is trying with him, my efforts meant nothing we have our own child as well and shes trying to get full custody of him and me see him at her discretion, havent seen what I called (my oldest son) for a year now, you dont hafto agree but women usually get the majority of the custody and usually child support, I think any father wanting to be apart of there childs life deserves that opportunity to do so and if they blow it then you got probable cause in court, no matter what struggles people go through imagine being denied your kids when thats all that matters in life, trying to answer and vent at the same time because of how much involved in my case and false everything and deceitfulness she gets away with is amazing, she can be with who she wants it would be nice if she looked at it as we gotta get along for our childs sake and security for the emotional toll they live in the future, its to bad over 85% of parents today are separated and have kids with someone else trying to be happy with someone but our kids suffer because the adults want happiness. How many night lights do you have powered on each and every single night? I honestly feel like ending this pain. if so, WHY?! I have to agree with Linda above. I I CANT AFFORD AN ATTORNEY 250 AN HOUR LEGAL ACTION HELP. You can use forms to help you write your custody and parenting time agreement or submit them to the judge when you ask for a custody order. Is it my fault she pays $2,200 a month in rent, drives an Audi Q7, likes to shop at luxury stores? What does your current custody/visitation say? They are not only yours to claim when youre showing off how they have your eyes and how you treated them to ice cream one weekend. I didnt I took her to court for full physical custody and now I have custody of my son. His mother refuses to give me her address & phone number, stating through email that Gotta love the double standard heresmh, Unfortunately, enforcement of a divorce decree sometimes depends on the attitude of your local law enforcement.. We have compromised on our schedule here and there but recently I got in trouble, an OWI. They want really bad and miss me and my husband as well as their step sister who is only 2 now. Im the babysitter and the dad stop picking up his 3 kids out of the blue i was there pick up and drop off I had to call the mom to come pick up her kids its been a year and we havent heard from the dad what should she do ? Document everything about the incident, times, witnesses the officers on the scene etc. I like to keep this as civil as possible for some reason she believes that I am coming back but that environment was toxic and no way of me or from me to go back to anything toxic. When the jail authorities filed an application seeking direction to the two undertrial prisoners- Rahul Gaur and his wife Navneet Kaur- the son and daughter-in-law of real estate company Gaursons Chairman, to pay Rs 10,64,055 towards the salary of the escort staff deputed during the period of custody parole, as demanded by the 3rd Battalion of . Not everyone else online. it took a really long time finding her but eventually we did. I am going through the same thing and iy sucks. Always take the high moral road, dont lie or accuse your ex of anything that is not true. How can he have rights when he has not been involved for all these years. Dont play power trips with your ex. If your ex or soon to be ex violates the court orders, make sure you document all of the particulars and notify your lawyer as soon as practically possible. In my case, it does apply to me as a father. I enjoyed having my kids and loved them to death that weekend. Unreal. My ex had moved and taken my child with her and this time she has not updated her address with TAG. These custody papers that are presented to police are typically copies of copies. A Motion to Enforce tells the court that the opposing party has failed to comply with the child custody order and is unreasonably denying you visitation. I would gladly take my girls most of the time, or all but only if necessary, and she can keep all of her money. So over the BS.. So the child has been with us. Not because youre legally obligated but because you are such a good guy lavishing your children with all you can spare, and youre doing all you can, and she should be grateful you even want to help, right? If you want to spend thousands of dollars fighting your ex and then at the end find out that your children really do no want to be with you or go to you, i recommend: STOP!!! I promise Im not some crazy person give me some nut job in rice Im just kind of giving you a free flow of ideas that came to my mind whenever I read your current predicament there are facial recognition software programs out there that are not stupid expensive and good investigating 90 percent of the time will turn up the information. A work obligation? Im going to see my lawyer tomorrow. And working for your children, even if it takes you to your limits, is a blessing that has no equivalent. Not being invilved for 6 years can be considered abandonment. Its been about a year and a half since my ex has let me see them but we have joint custody.. file motion to modify and there are other motion you can file to. By the end of the 7-hour sting, 12 different men talked to or texted the detectives. Depending upon the wording of the current order this may be child abduction and you can also contact the District Attorney's office to enlist its assistance. She will not come over on her dads days anymore. He threatens her and uses intimidation to get around the custody agreement, which we would like to enforce reasonably (give him a Saturday every second week and an evening or something). We work within the law, whereas the father does not. If you have any questions about pick up and drop off times, and locations for the transfer of custody between you and your children's other parent you can reach me at 844-431-3380 or via e-mail using the e-mail contact form. In the past few months I have gone from 50/50 everything to 3 days a month and no desision making. I have the opposite problem, I am the mother and the custodial parent however, my sons father and grandmother have taken my son and will not let me see or talk to him. I finally got a lucky break my ex went for a increase of child support in doing so she had to give her address to TAG. My case is very complex and very difficult. She left the state, to Mississippi that night. When your childs last tooth fell out, did you play tooth fairy and have the cash to do so? Answer (1 of 11): First, I hope you have a good attorney that you stay in communication with, daily if necessary. Many attorneys offer free consultations. I wish you were right Jasonbut here in Texas you would not be right. Despite the order clearly instructing him to do so. i tired to be civil still since hes been absent and letting him know that he came back outta no where and is ordering me basically threatening me but if i told him to days ahead i have work and can not take my son at that time but later can i go to jail for that and will that be taken as me violating the court order even tho i tried to call two days ahead and he has not responded nor bothers to answer my texts explain why. I have seen this time and time again. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. She refuses to let them be with me, saying she will call the police on me if I show up trying to pick up the kids. The system is seriously flawed. Three weeks ago my 11 year old son had to be disciplined for being disrespectful to me and when his mother found out she called the sheriff to investigate. I have primary custody of my daughter but me and my ex husband get my daughter every other week. In many cases, police officers might be unwilling to get involved in a family law dispute unless the conduct rises to a criminal infraction (i.e. Here why and at this piont i dont want to do the wrong thing. If you cannot find a SafeExchangePoint near you, follow our buyer/seller safety guidelines. Uugh I couldnt function without them. I dont expect her antics will stop until my sons 18, and Im no longer legally bound to her. Should he contact his lawyer to try to get full custody of her? Now what were you saying about a vacation and your damn break? The officer returned fire, striking the suspect in the leg. I dont want to get in trouble either with the law but i need to protect my child whqat should I do? | Last updated December 29, 2022. All Good parents need to stick together, whether male or female. I think all of your statement above, applies to both, a father and a mother. She refuses to give me her phone number in case of an emergency for our children and the only way she will communicate is through email. A court order that mandates or prohibits conduct is typically executable through the police. Obviously the father filed for custody because youre running a scam. Now they are threatening my freedom. Additional Public Prosecutor Amit Sahni, representing the state, sought direction the Gaur couple to pay Rs 10,64,055 towards the expenses or salaries of guards deployed with them during their . I need help I have no idea where to turn at this point she is like a ghost. The mother wrote a letter to my friend and told him that she and his daughter were going to California because the mothers aging father was ill. She said it was not permanent but it has now been almost a year. Any mom or parent out there that is putting her financial situation before the kids and denying 50/50 custody is just scum. I feel my children have already been allowed to be brainwashed coerced and manipulated possibly beyond repair. I even bought my son a cell phone and of course his grandmother took it. Have a copy of your decree with you. I also thought this decision would take our son out of the tug of war. SMH. It is in broken code. My advise is this; Make sure you have all of your documentation on hand. He has also been ordered to provide health insurance for our children but he has been unable to do so. What happens than? Only lets me pick him up for a couple hours. Also re-ask questions that you have already asked the dispatcher b/c now you physically have an officer that will be with you. And also a confession from one of the men who jumped us saying he did it . No contact between mom and dad. UICPD does prohibit some transactions at the Safe Exchange Zone: Illegal transactions, including, but not limited to contraband, narcotics, illegal substances, stolen property, or other illegal items and/or exchanges. hes been trying to keep our daughter from me despite a joint custody court order in place. Not to write books online about what it cost, whether time or money to take care of your own kids. But that isnt the way the system works. My Girlfriends Criminal ExBoth my girlfriend and I have custody agreements with our respective exs, but the difference being that her ex is a drug dealer, and my ex is a white-collar manager. Interference with visitation / custody is a class c felony. He is completely unstable, a ton of evidence was presented to Mead, but in complete horror she disregarded it and ruled against the kids/mom forcing them to visit. I just nee honesty from people like yourself. And youve got needs too. We are still sometime from Christmas, and I was just giving her the heads up that we have plans. I will make the rest of my lifes mission to try and make it illegal in the USA. Motions to Enforce are conceptually similar to Contempt Motions except they must be heard within 30 days by law, at least where I practice. Not that hard!! And do I have to give her to his mother and boyfriend if my ex husband is not present? unless you can come up with some kind of agreement. I went to visit my kids and I did a lot of researching and verifying with the County PD of where I was visiting. despite all his false accusations which lead to CPS getting involved to interview me (which leaves my name in the system forever now) I am still civil with him for the sake of our daughter. Yah!!!! Lisa Karges, Florida Resident Partner - Tampa, FL. I tried contacting the local police department but they told me because we dont have custody document in place, he has rights to the child although he havent been taking care of her. I paid my back pay child support and I still cannot see my son! Do you know what insurance your child has? The courts know us fathers arent rich enough to take the ex-wifes to court every time they violate the orders. Hello! Most will be accessible, you can even look yourself and look so accordingly to your daughters last known grade, if she had any special needs there would be a more limited amount of results for special needs students. Good Luck w all! I got court papers few days later from buffalo family court so I decided to go back to buffalo because I was to scared they was going to take my baby from me. Its never been a problem because my step-sons father only shows up every six months for 15 minutes, but lately hes been trying to come around almost every day. She refuses to communicate also. Then he moved out of state and didnt let me see my two daughters for the past 3 years. 3 The wife will give you the child(ren). And all suggestions are welcome I have hire two lawyers over the past four years and they all say the same thing find her and it can be I forced. If you think that the parenting plan is no longer in the best interest of the child; then you are free to file a motion with the court to have it changed. When your ex-wife violates the child custody or visitation order and denies your parenting time, many divorced dads wonder if they should immediately call the local police. Dont understand why people cant just communicate and get over the temporary emotions because it makes a permanent effect in the childrens lifes. The court order states the child is to be with me on the 4th of July. You want to know why most woman wont give fathers (that want it) 50/50 custody? She has to work to pay for things for her children, so yes. They favor the woman period. 3. Now the special guardian, has decided my oldest sons behaviour is something, she is blaming me for. She said, I dont care. Social services were very much against that, and always have been. THE DAD WAS NEVER AROUND. I have 50/50 custody in which my son switches houses every week, which has never been a problem, and my girlfriend has an order that basically has no specific times, but states that both parents have to agree to the visitation. Get back home past few months police escort for custody exchange have custody of her the,! He wont tell me who had my children sends me money in order to help me ends. 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