Besides, the Venus in the 9th House is a replica of new learning. [5]. Saturn aspects 6th house, when he is placed in * 1. Bill Gates 052 (and Jupiter), Bill Maher 112 (and Jupiter), Sid Vicious 118, Nancy Spungen 138, Ellen DeGeneres 225, If with a malefic and the Moon with Antares, Praesepe or the Pleiades: blindness or injuries to the eyes. Mae West; Relished being disgraceful. Having the North Node in 10th House, you are deeply and psychically connected to your family. About the Vertex in my natal chart being in the same sign, house and degree as that chart. Notice how we calculate the duration of the sub age? Virgo ingress Sedna quite close to Algol. The 6th house is one of the houses of constant increase, which means that the significances of Venus improve gradually over time. The traditional name Regulus is Latin for prince or little king. In Arabic, it is (Qalb al-Asad, the heart of the lion), the same as the Latin Cor Lenis and Greek Kardia Leontos. Regulus Black was indeed referenced in two of the Harry Potter movies. A Ninevite tablet, according to R.A. Allen, states: If the star of the great lion is gloomy, the heart of the people will not rejoice. [4], Regulus rules two inches below the top of the kidneys. Leo the Lion's brightest star is Regulus, the Lion's Heart. Regulus is actually a quadruple-star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. Here's a quick approximation of how often each planet goes into the 29 th degree & then goes on to change signs. I strongly believe in the spirit world and believe that when we experience something that cannot be fully explained we should pay attention to it. Transformations dont usually make us consistent because life is in such upheaval and our flow is interrupted, which seems to be what is happening for you right now. April is the middle month of Leo Term in the River Houses, and as our monthly star calendar will tell you, April's Great Star is Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Heavenly Lion.Its formal designation is Leonis "alpha of Leo." Leo and Regulus are high in the southern sky in the early evening this month, passing over to the west as the night goes on. Lunar Node reversal, ie. The sixth house is the natural home of the sign Virgo, and like Virgo it is ruled by the planet Mercury. theres Lilith again. The aspects of life that the sixth house alludes to involve one's work, wellbeing, individual cleanliness, daily schedules, and duties. Jupiter in the 6th House signifies insult, ailments, and domination by others. Please take the donkey up the mountain. Other times a designer will need . 6th house is also the house of arguments and Leo is also a sign that represents knowledge given in ancient texts such as Bible, Quran, Bhagavat Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc and so when the sign of Leo falls on the 6th house it could also mean arguments or detail-oriented work related to the knowledge or education given in these ancients texts. - Uranus/Regulus, Feb 12 1554, Lady Jane Grey, who'd claimed the throne of England for nine days, was beheaded after being charged with treason. Monica has Venus on Regulus! Rufus Wainwright; Singer-songwriterwho overcame crystal-meth addiction. When Mars or Saturn are in conjunction with Regulus, especially exciting events are always recorded, e.g., assassinations, coup dtats, revolutions, revolts, demonstrations, the overthrow of heads of state and similar events. Happy Birthday! However, Isabel Hickey believed herself to be born under the Regulus Star and she was, I think, 28 Leo or so. Early English astrologers made it (Regulus) a portent of glory, riches, and power to all born under its influence and this fixed star is generally considered fortunate, courageous, successful and all those great qualities associated with the sun sign Leo. As Venus is a soft planet in nature, it deals with disputes in a calm and harmonious way. Regulus Group is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Jimmy Page; Rock singer with wild blond mane. Being independent is virtue Venus in the Ninth House. Lead singer of Queen (Mercury rules voice). Moon conjunct Regulus: Occult interests, powerful friends, danger from enemies and false friends, gain by speculation, public prominence, great power, honor, wealth, benefits seldom last, violence, trouble and sickness. I also like looking at dates from the numerology perspective! Your task is to forge your own path. In 7th house. The importance of this star is accentuated by its nearness to the ecliptic. Helena Bonham Carter; British actress famous for her many roles in costume dramas, usually as a member of the aristocracy wearing posh frocks and huge elaborate hairdos. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house. Fixed star Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri, is a 0.9 magnitude giant orange star in the Left Eye of the Bull, Taurus Constellation. The basic keywords I use for this house are "work" and "health.". Using Reiki as a healing bridge to support your deep soul connection to your pets Without a strong sovereignty, service-to-others can becomeco-dependancy and doormat syndrome! Bruce Pennington, 1973 The month of July ends with a New Moon in Leo which will be exact at 23:12 EDT on July 31st.A few minutes later, Mercury stations direct in Cancer after being retrograde since the 7th of July. Char, I see a heavenly screed coming with Regulus. Ive also read that if Regulus good luck doesnt last, that only happens if you dont behave with absolute integrity and avoid being vengeful. The story Kreacher told Regulus was the last straw and the young man became determined to destroy Voldemort . Henry Ford;Founder of the Ford Motor company wasliterallydriven by Mars on Regulus with it at exactly 00! November 29, 2011 Prince George Of Cambridge; The first royal to be born with Regulus in Virgo, will he reflect the paradigm shift? In mundane astrology, Leo Constellation is associated with royal events, especially the ascension or death of kings and queens, the election or death of heads of state, assassinations, uprisings and massacres, currency and the stock exchange, the Vatican and European Union. Accordingly, people with this combination are very courageous, dynamic, and self.motivated. He wrote treatises onbotany,anatomy, and colour. [1]. Watch thiscat pouncing on the poor man,for a great example of militant Mars on Regulus in action. I remember that year well because I lost my sex drive and definitely felt less masculine. They strive to go to the very top in the military. my natal Moon. He was a member of the noble House of Black, an old wizarding family which probably started around the Middle Ages. I am curious to learn any wealth, work, inheritance of power/leadership positions you may like to share regarding these natal planet positions in common? The traditional name Aldebaran is from the Arabic word (al-dabarn) which means the follower (of the Pleiades ). 14th Dalai Lama;As a buddhist monk hedoesnt have to worry abouttrouble through love affairsand he is quoted as suggesting that the woes of the world, and the need to promote a more altruistic society mean that we might be entering the age of the woman'. Thank you. If culminating, high ecclesiastical honor, martial preferment, prosperity in business.) Make women high spirited and independent. [4]. It's a boost, not to your ego and self-expression like the first house, but to your sense of feeling right in the world. If we take 3 degrees for conj. Unfortunately my aged memory has lost this thought, but I have a feeling you know what it is. The 6th House represents physical health, routines, day-to-day life and work. It was very difficult for me to post the above. Didnt know I could be such a BITCH maybe not even in a good way. You have now witnessed an amazing feat. See Ceres post.) This placement could mean you actually thrive as a leader the world of wellness, but you might be a little out of touch with your needs and emotions. Note Precession to the Ascendant, and compare with Precession to the Ascendant in the November 29, 2011 chart, the second chart of the trinity. This star pales next to dazzling Venus, the planet of love and beauty, now well over 100 times brighter. Karl Jaspers was a bit of an historian, among other credentials. Its image is a lion, cat, or an honorable person seated in a chair. It can be helpful, especially if you are looking for new ideas. an inventory of sorts surrounding November 29, The Chinese spacecraft launch, journey, and docking to the spacestation He will be able to gain the person as his sweet heart. My Regulus sits at 29 Leo 1 degree from Pluto and 1 degree from Midheaven). I think its both a blessing and a curse to have Regulus at such a lucky position in the natal chart. Ive also heard that they get along great with groups of people, but individual relationships are challenging for them. 2nd chart of the Trinity. With this new (to me) information, what if Jaspers 48435 fits into the chart, and actually use it in a rectification? Mars here great in emergency situations. Regulus is still in my 9th house, and my sig other still has it in house 6 (the Virgo house coming home in 2011?)! Jupiter Uranus Hard Aspects~ Thunder Struck, Saturn in Pisces 2023 ~ Crystalising Dreams. The Sixth House is commonly referred to as the House of Health. Learn More 13 The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.67. Helping other people will also be satisfying to you. Gerald, I see that you have found a few more 11s (23:22 UTC = 11:22 PM too). Audrey Hepburn 013, William S. Burroughs 118, Don King 203. But I thought, what the heck; there are probably many others whove had similar experiences and maybe it needed to be said. But with heavens power of magic, transformation, death and rebirth. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 003 (and Neptune), Charles Ponzi 038, Clint Eastwood 053 (and Neptune), Mata Hari 108, Bernadette Brady 117, Marquis de Sade 205, Jim Carrey 214, Liam Payne 216. [2], A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Or anything related to those positions you find interesting in your life? The Vertex is just about more than love, so, take this into account and don't be disappointed when love does not knock on your door when transiting Venus . Favorable for real estate transactions and constructions of all types. Patricia Routledge; Famous for her portrayal of snob Francis Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) in British comedy Keeping Up Appearances. Mark David Chapman;Famous for bringing down king of rock John Lennon. [5]. Regulus is the archangel Raphael, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Famous for rallying support (Military style) for giving aid to Africa in the 1980s. He is known for his work on discovering what he called the Axial Age. and. Ive read that too about Reguluss benefits not lasting unless the person behaves with integrity. Things are fraught with me, just as they are with so very many others right now. Fixed stars, asteroids and other cosmic objects,,, Feb 13 1542, the fifth wife of England's King Henry the Eighth, Catherine Howard, was executed for adultery. I had never looked at that question in exactly the same way as you did, before now. Aquarius symbolizes freedom, friendship, eccentricity, involvement in social issues. The person will have the fortune of getting the person in his dream. The house the ruler of the 8th falls into in one's natal chart can be the area or sector of life in which a person may potentially die. Saturn In 6th House Negative Aspects - Vain, Silly, Worrying, Hazardous, Critical 6th House Also Known As - House Of Health Ruling Planet - Mercury, Chiron Ruling Zodiac Sign - Virgo Saturn in The 6th House Saturn loves the sixth house. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings,,,_Mikhail. I wonder why? His Regulus Venusalso connects to his late Grandmother Diana with her Mars on Regulus. Regulus represents a dimension of the cosmic order that upholds courage and right action. In Chinese, it is , the Fourteenth Star of Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor. Mars sextile Uranus, Mercury sextile Neptune, more than a few planets working together to dispell emotional power plays, Rare Prairie EQ November 29, 6pm local time. If rising, wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers. Regal Regulus at 29 Leo has the honor of being the closest star to the ecliptic and therefore closest to the red carpet path of the glorious Sun. Barry Gibb; Big lions mane hair majestic over-the-top falsetto voice with brothers (Mercury rules siblings), Steve Martin; Always been extremely popular. Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration. In Babylonian, it was Sharru, the King, and LUGAL, the star that stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.. Rahu/Mars 27 degrees Leo, Jupiter 0 degree Virgo. 1,689,000 . The wife of a marriage performed on this day may fall into the hands of a ravisher. When Jupiter, the planet of gifts and growth, is found in your 6th House, it gives you a heightened sense of humor, an optimistic outlook on life, and a loving family. And, if any of the Fortunes behold that place also, his glory shall be the more increased; but, if the Nativity be nocturnal, his fortune will be somewhat meaner, but not much; but if the Infortunes cast their aspects there it will still be more mean; but if the Fortunes behold it also they will augment the good promised a fourth part, and mitigate the evil as much; yet still, whatever of all this happens, it signifies that the Native shall die an unhappy death; or at least that all his honors, greatness and power shall at last suffer an eclipse and set in a cloud. On the MC it is not only a good omen for a military career, but also for careers connected with the public, such as lawyers, civil servants, bankers and the clergy, especially if Regulus is also in conjunction with the Sun or Moon or with a benefic stellar body. Regulus is one of the most benefic fixed stars in a chart. I think transformation is meant to interrupt the flow of life and keep us in a state of constantly being awake and aware of everything going on around us so we can wake up to the next level of ourselves. Funny that I have all the nice aspects and not a dollar in the bank. Danielconnects to J. K. Rowlings Mercury on Regulus. (Natally, I have Uranus at 22 Leo.) The Sixth House is ruled by Virgo and the planet Mercury. The eleventh house is known as the house of all desire. [5], Part of Fortune conjunct Regulus: Liza Minnelli 006, Nicholas Culpeper 105, Steven Spielberg 118, Priyanka Chopra 153, Sun conjunct Regulus: Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, but violence, trouble and ultimate disgrace and ruin, sickness, fevers, benefits seldom last. Conversely however, those with a weak sense of selfare also those that suffer from narcissistic personality disorders (And other related Dark triad traits. My previous comment was in reference to Geralds post about the chart of the Trinity. In the charts of all sorts of powerful and/or honoured figures. Regulus will be conjunct my natal Jupiter in 34 years. These Dubai photos will make you think twice before visiting. Jackie Kennedy Onassis;(03) Reguluss near neighbour is the rather bloodthirsty star Phecda, this I believe is what gives the Regulus its raw martial side. Im well now (although quite caring of my health), and hopefully you as well. Dolly Parton; Queen of country with a huge mane of gold hair and flamboyant clothes. [1], Positioned on the MC, Regulus will raise the native to high positions in life, positions far exceeding the environment the native was born into. 29 km ENE Nampa AB, Heliocentric view, Venus Zero Point Capricorn. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.43. 2021 Solar return. Bob Geldof; Ex-Punk turned activist. Many astrologers speculate that Virgo will teach Leo to put aside ego, dispense personal glory, become more humanitarian and have respect for mother Earth itself. Often clients will insist that interior design contractors use the products already present in the house. Midheaven conjunct Regulus: Military honor and preferment. Donald Trump; His net worth is $4 Billion and in 2013 he spent $1 million to research his possible candidacy for the President of the USA. 1985, p.67 34 years dimension of the Bull, Taurus Constellation snob Francis (! Whove had similar experiences and maybe it needed to be said family which probably started around Middle! Sign, House and degree as that chart military style ) for giving aid to Africa the. Day-To-Day life and work committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace in which all individuals are treated dignity... Eye of the houses of constant increase, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at lowest. 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