Please do not forget to wash them! I intend to carry on with the mixture for another two months. Why is it that we cannot consume the 50ml in Method 2 everyday like Method 1? I can make a drink every day or two if need be. When you opt-in you will also receive a weekly email update. That simple! Once boiling, add the blended mixture to your water and stir. One must carefully look for the above symptoms of heart blockage and act accordingly to treat it. Sharon. Remember they use to say no cure for HIV or Herpes simplex, well that's not true. I always read articles regarding my arteries. But these pungent, potent foods also have health-improving properties. Pour the mixture into a glass bottle and store it in the fridge. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. and he is diabetic patient too but within control. Last August I had 259 mg/dl total cholestorol, 52 LDH, 194 LDL. (not the meds just the no operation). Join Live Love Fruit and we'll show you how! Thank you sir , one more question , I heard if we boil garlic and ginger it will destroy the properties and effect will be low far it is true. If you don't like the taste of garlic in food but want to benefit from garlic for your artery and heart health, garlic supplements can be useful. hi good guy this recipe some one told me for weight loss is that true ? Heat up a saucepan/pot containing the mixture of lemon juice, garlic juice, ginger juice and apple cider vinegar. Reduce junk foods and processed foods in your diet. [] Source: [], Your email address will not be published. Wash the lemons and cut into small pieces without peeling. Mix all of the above, and boil for a half hour or until it is reduced to around 3 cups. Place everything but the water in a blender and pulse until smooth. Soothe the digestive system. Hi, I mixed all the ingredients together without boiling the 4 first one apart, should I take the potion without boiling, or should I boil it, even having the honey in it? A dubious practice called chelation therapy involves repeated administration of EDTA. Together, they help to achieve the following: Strengthen the immune system A synthetic cousin of acetic acid, called ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid (EDTA), attracts some dissolved metals. We feature only items we genuinely love and want to share, and this is an arrangement between the retailer and Mamabee (readers never pay more for products). Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. 2) Cover pot with lid and let stand for 10 minutes 3) Strain mixture4) Add half cup honey and mix it well.5) Lemon and garlic drink recipe is ready.6) Drink early in the morning at empty stomach. Consuming it on a regular basis is beneficial to your overall health, so you wont regret trying it out. The Ultimate Guide to Fight Inflammation and Restore Your Health! Lemon and garlic recipes to lower cholesterol and clean arteries. Consume this mixture thrice daily for 3 weeks and then pause for a week and continuing the same for a period of 6 months. Due to garlics blood-thinning properties, it can prevent the formation of blood clots, thus protecting you against stroke and heart attack. I heated it and the colour, remained a straw yellow throughout. Peel the garlic. hope this help's u. Diabetic may not able to use honey. It is a good way not to cook any of this herbs? Mix the garlic and lemon juice along with the apple cider vinegar in a metal pot. As I cautioned in my article, not every remedy will work for everyone, much like conventional medical treatments. Put half of the chopped pieces in a blender and fill up with water. Would have died if they weren't too busy. Should I boil some water and add it to the mixture or just add 4 oz to a cup of water every morning to stretch? As for me, I merely share information which I feel is useful and beneficial for the good of mankind. Subscribing will not result in more spam! 4 lemons For your first dosage: drink 50 mL each day for three weeks. garlic, lemon, honey, and apple cider . Garlic is also considered one of the better foods that unclog your arteries. They will be more potent and work at a faster rate. Filter the juice using a strainer and store it in the refrigerator. I don't have artery problem. MD. It is especially effective when mixed with garlic. Then method 1 is good for cholesterol and diabetic? READ NEXT:How To Cleanse Your Arteries With this Old German Remedy. When the level of "bad" cholesterol is too high, it can build up on your artery walls. First recipe. Cut the lemons into pieces after washing them. Berry smoothie - Blend frozen berries, low-fat yogurt, ripe banana, with some orange juice and honey and what you . Peel your garlic cloves and chop them up into small pieces too. Also too much of anything can be harmful. Boil the mixture over medium heat, and then let it simmer for five minutes over low heat. after starting my own batch. She loves to do yoga, dance, and immerse herself in nature. sombody can tell me that how to make garlic juice, i can use some water ? Please log in again. Add Your Comment.. will it help after having stent on left artery has the right artery is to be left blocked for now.hopefully y doing that I have safety of mai left artery being open with stent. When the juice reduces to 3/4th, turn off the flame and transfer the mixture in a bowl. I might need a bypass surgery soon. Method #`1 Ingredients 30 garlic cloves 6 lemons 2l of water Preparation Peel the cloves and lemons and cut them into small pieces. Apart from clearing your heart blockage, it keeps your hydrated and active whole day. Lemons are extremely high in vitamin C. The American Dietetic Association notes that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights damaging substances called free radicals and therefore helps protect the body from cardiovascular disease. Arteries are blocked due to hardening and thickening of the artery walls. Join in and write your own page! ginger and lemon juice may make the difference. it is established that when you eat raw garlic which produce allicin thought to reduce Atherosclerosis i.e build of of plaque in blood vessel over a period of time. After its cooled properly, use a strainer to filter the juice for any residue. National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. The excessive intake of fats, white sugar, and high-cholesterol foods. In a glass of warm water, mix 1/2 fresh lemon. Allium veggies like garlic, onions, leeks, chives, scallions, and shallots are all rich in organosulfur compounds, which, according to several studies, may help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation, and platelet clumping all of which are great for keeping arteries free and clear. In addition, garlic, along with onions, provides a source of sulfur in the diet which may be crucial for . Here it is How to Solve The Problem in Only 20 Minutes, 10 Things That Happen to Your Body if You Walk Every Day, Castor Oil and Baking Soda Can Treat More Than 24 Health Problems. Serve as powerful anti-bacterials Take 50 milliliters of the remedy every day for three weeks. It is also called lemon garlic tea or ginger tea in some countries.It helps to lower cholesterol levels by improving the HDL level of your body, which is known as good cholesterol. will it be safe to drink. Please check your inbox to download your FREE eBook. The first two batches I made I filled the metal pan in the following order:-, garlic, ginger, lemon, apple cider vinegar. This decreases blood flow and can put you at risk for heart attack or stroke. Quitting smoking, if you smoke, can also help reverse plaque. Justin Choo (author) from Malaysia on October 15, 2013: Happy to hear your good news. ! I had been diagnosed with three artery blocks of 90% 50% & 60% I came to know about this medication and I am taking it for the past two months. Peel the cloves and lemons and cut them into small pieces. Found he's heart had rerouted around the damage. National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Boiled for about an hour. St Steel utencil for heating. Is it safe taking this under all the above medications? first thing in morn, with glass warm water, 1 tablespoon [15 mls] 4 three wk's, stop 4 one week,then start again 4 three week's. I will keep you all updated on everything. After cooling the juice, strained out the liquid and refrigerated it. 2. One way in which garlic and lemon may be helpful is by increasing the health of your arteries. All the ingredients of method 1 are supportive to heart, respiratory organs & your stomach too. It features vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, C, E, K, Folates, Niacin, Riboflavin, Thiamin with traces of sodium, potassium, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zin and lot more. Filed Under: Drinks, Natural Therapies, Recipes Tagged With: atherosclerosis, circulation, lemon garlic tonic, lower cholesterol, tonic recipes, unclog arteries. However, supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so their composition could be questionable. cos i realise that there are very little juice that comes out of garlic.I will need alot of garlics to get one cup of juice. Is this correct? It can serve as one of your seafood options to meet the recommended 1-2 servings per week because of its rich fatty content. The ability of garlic to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood clotting has been recognized for some time and has been shown again in a recent trial. Once it cools at a room temperature, stir in the honey. Peel and crush the garlic, setting it aside to activate its protective compounds. Clove contains essential oils such as acetyl eugenol, vanillin, maslinic acid, etc. Garlic & Lemon mixture is the best combination you can get when it comes to healthy foods. It's that simple! Include more garlic in your daily cooking, advises the Cebu Cardiovascular Center at Cebu Doctors' Hospital. Course Dressing, Marinade, Salad. Also, won't this mixture go rancid over a 7 week period? Ginger, garlic and lemon detox drink - Boil ginger and garlic and strain. How to Clean Cholesterol Plaque Out of Arteries With Fruit Juices, American Dietetic Association: Antioxidants. In order to grow our small business, Mamabee earns revenue in a few different ways. Needed ingredients: Garlic juice - 1 cup will do. Speak to your doctor for advice regarding garlic supplements before trying them. Make sure the ingredients for this recipe are organic! Always consult your physician before beginning any new dietary regimens, including the use of supplements, to determine if they are safe and right for you. He also had a blood clot. This chemical is also released from garlic supplement pills. In fact, eating plant-based is the new heart attack proof diet and can even reverse heart disease! Boil the mixture over medium heat for 30 minutes, Pour the mixture into a glass bottle and store it in the fridge.