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Department Of Pharmacology was started in the year 1960. Earlier it was located in Simpson Building in Samalkot Road. Now at that place the Ideal junior college is situated. In 1970 the Department Of Pharmacology was shifted to the present Para-Clinical building.

Earlier Diploma in pharmacy was started and after 4 batches the same was shifted to Girls Polytechnic.

New additional block for Pharmacology was constructed in the year 2003, which constitute Museum, Research Laboratory, and two demonstration rooms/lecture halls with a capacity of 80 students each.

Experimental Surgery wing was developed in the same building consisting of Surgeon’s room, preparation room and Operation Theatre which is under the control of Department Of Pharmacology.

The main building consisting of experimental Pharmacology lab, Clinical Pharmacology lab, Departmental library, Pharmacist room, stores, and separate accommodation for staff. The Departmental Library consisting of more than 100 books and latest journals.

Central animal house is located in the same campus and was the first in the state to acquire status for breeding and maintainance of animals by the CPCEA, New Delhi.

Post-Graduation was started in the year 1979. So far 33 doctors were awarded PG Degree. Now at present there are 13 Post Graduates with an intake of 8 per year.

Academically the department is active. A number of papers were presented in the National and Regional Conferences.

The following are the faculty worked in Pharmacology as Head of Department

1. Dr. L.B. Gopalakrishna Murthy M.D.
Reader July 1960 to July 1962
Professor. (Aug. 1962-July 1964)

2. Dr. G. Nirmala MBBS D.G.O.
I/C. Professor.
July 1964, August 1964

3. Dr.V.S. VenkataSubbu (B.Sc., M.B.B.S; M.S.(pharma))
September 1964-Oct 1967;

4. Dr. G.V. Sitarammayya M.D.
November 1967- June 1974;

5. Dr. L.B. Gopalakrishna Murthy M.D.
June 1974 – August 1979;

6. Dr. D. Krishna Rao, M.D. Professor.
I/C. September 1970-May 1980;
Professor May 1980-November 2000;

7. Dr. C. Indira Devi. M.D.
February 2001 to June 2001;

8. Dr. K. Satyanaratana Murthy. M.D.
Professor December 1999 to January 2001;
July 2001 to Oct. 2005

9. Dr. Y. Subramanyam. M.D.
November 2005 to May 2013;

10. Dr. P. UshaKiran. M.D. D.M.
May 2013 to Till Date.