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Study on clinical presentation of GIST - Dr . R. MAHALAKSHMI, M.S.

A clinical study of laparoscopic vs open hernia repair in umblical and paraumblical Hernia - Dr. P.V.BUDDHA,M.S.

A clinical study of efficacy of prophylactic and empirical antibiotic use in clean contaminated general surgical procedures - Dr. P.V.BUDDHA, M.S ,Dr.K.Satyavani , M.S

A clinical study of intestinal obstruction - Dr.P.V.BUDDHA,M.S

Thoracoabdominal flap covering in large post-mastectomy defects � Dr.N.SRINIVASA RAO,M.S.

Study on bile spillage in laparoscopic cholecystectomy � is it important or ignorable ? �Dr.N.SRINIVASA RAO,M.S.

Surgical feeding gastrostomy � using endotracheal feeding tube in place of conventional feeding tube � Dr.N.SRINIVASA RAO,M.S.

Tensor fascia lata flap for large inguinal defects after after inguinal block dissection - DR.N.SRINIVASA RAO,M.S.

Clinical study of soft tissue sarcoma cases in south indian teaching hospitals - Dr.D.ABHIVARDHAN,M.S.

Verrucous carcinoma of leg � A rare variant of squamous cell carcinoma in a unsual site � a case report� Dr.D.ABHIVARDHAN,M.S.

Comparision b/w minimally invasive endoscopichydrocelectomy and subtotal excision � Dr.D.ABHIVARDHAN,M.S.

Single port vs two-port appendicectomy � Dr. NARESH,M.S.

Seton � As a gold standard for high fistula-in-ano� Dr.A.KISHORE BABU,M.S.

Diabetic foot disease in KGH,Vskp � A descriptive study of 100 pts � Dr.A.KISHORE BABU,M.S

Seroma formation in cancer breast surgery � Dr.SITARAM,M.S. and Dr.HEMANTHI,M.S.

Study on comparision of the effect of topical insulin with normal saline dressing in healing of Diabetic foot ulcer � Dr.S.VENKATAREDDY,M.S.c

Management of gastric and duodenal perforation by surgical vs nonoperative methods � Dr.N.DURGA PRASAD,M.S.

Clinical study of sigmoid volvulus in acute intestinal obstruction � Dr. N.DURGA PRASAD,M.S.

Intestinal obstruction by carcinoid tumour in ileum � Dr.N.DURGA PRASAD,M.S.

A case of apocrine gland Carcinoma of right axilla with ipsilateral Rt cervical lymphadenopathy � Dr. G.RAJINI DEVI,M.S.

Clinical study of electrical burns among all burn cases � Dr. K. RAMARAO,M.S.

Study on complications of Thyroid surgery at GGH,KKD � Dr.S.VEERABHADRA RAO,M.S.

A retrospective clinical study of abdominal TB at GGH, KKD �Dr.S.VEERABHADRA RAO,M.S.

Research Activities
� A clinical study on pseudocyst of pancreas � Dr.BasaviahChowdary,P.G.
� A clinical study on acute abdomen in GGH,KKD � Dr.DurgaPrasad,P.G.
� A clinical study on surgical site infections in GGH, KKD � Dr.RamakrishnaRaju,P.G.
� Role of diagnostic laparoscopy in evaluation of chronic pain � Dr.PadminiP.G.
� A clinical study on management of chronic pancreatitis � Dr. Nooruddin,P.G.
� Clinical study on carcinoma anorectum � Dr. KoormaRao,P.G.
� Two year prospective study in detrmining the difficult predictive factors for laparoscopic cholecystectomy � Dr. Subash,P.G.
� Clinicopathological study and management of parotid tumours � Dr. Praveen,P.G.
� Outcome of different open inguinal hernia surgical repairs
� Comparative study between fistulectomy and seton in fistula in ano regarding healing and postoperative complications � Dr. Ramu,P.G.
� A clinical study on etiopathogenesis, management and outcome of common bile duct stones in patients attending tertiary care hospital, Kakinada � Dr. Ravikumar,P.G.

� A clinical study on post operative complications of acute Gastrointestinal Perforation � Dr.PremKamal ,P.G.
� A clinical study and management of obstructive jaundice � Dr.DhanyaCharitha,P.G.
� A study of correlation between clinical diagnosis, FNAC and histopathological examination reports of thyroid swellings � Dr. Bhramaramba,P.G.
� Role of Epidermal Growth Factors in chronic ulcer healing � Dr. Mahidhar,P.G.
� Comparative study on laparoscopic vs open thyroidectomy � Dr.Pravallika, P.G.
� Study on incidence, etiology, clinical presentation, treatment modalities and outcome of Enterocutaneous Fistulas � Dr. Lavanya,P.G.
� Comparative study on various modalities in treatment of varicose veins � Dr. Vijay,P.G.
� Comparatve study on various outcomes of laparoscopic and open inguinal hernia surgeries � Dr. NaveenKumar,P.G.
� Comparative study between prophylactic antibiotic vs 7 days postoperative antibiotics in clean elective general surgical cases � Dr. Soujanya,P.G.
� Accuracy of Alvorado scoring system in in diagnosis of acute appendicitis � Dr.Bhaskar,P.G.
� Prospective study of combined scoring system for predicting mortality in gastrointestinal perforations � Dr.Madhuri,P.G.

� Role of lateral sphincterotomy in hemorrhoidectomy � Dr.Chandana,P.G.
� Comparative study of outcomes in various mesh repair techniques in management of incisional hernia � Dr. Srikanth,P.G.
� Role of Platelet rich plasma in management of non healing ulcers � Dr. Ananth Sai Kumar,P.G.
� Role of triple assessment in assessing breast lump � Dr.Ram Sanjeev Reddy,P.G.
� Comparative study on outcome of various surgical procedures in pilonidal sinus � Dr.RajaRao,P.G.
� Clinical study on periampullary carcinoma � Dr.Sreenivas,P.G.
� Role of off-loading in the management of diabetic foot � Dr. Sai Naga Sree,P.G.
� Role of collagen sheets usage in burns patients � Dr.Adilakshmi,P.G.
� Nil By Mouth vs fresh lime juice in improving gastrointestinal motility, wound healing, electrolyte imbalance in post operative gastrointestinal surgical cases � Dr.Fathima,P.G.
� Regular betadine dressings vs AG fix foam dressings in chronic non healing ulcer � Dr.RajSekhar,P.G.
� Clinical study on blunt injury abdomen � Dr.Ashok,P.G.
� Etiopathogenesis of gastic outlet obstruction � Dr.Sindhu, P.G.